Hello all,
This is my first thread here, I often stay well away from any kind of comment sections and forums as the anonymity of the internet seems to bubble up the most unpleasant traits in people, however, from what I’ve seen this community seems like a lovely supportive bunch so here goes. Please be kind.
I’ll try not to ramble on too long but it’ll require a fair bit of back story, so I bought this Lewis Leathers jacket second hand from Gumtree. Now I must stress this isn’t my first rodeo, I own two other Lewis Leathers jackets that I purchased directly from their store, one way back in 2010 (cowhide Corsair, that jacket cost £600 back then, what a pleasant thought compared to now eh) and another in 2014. They’re both in complete working order, one of which I’ve worn a heck of lot and looking great.
Now the only reason I mention the other jackets is that I knew what the gumtree LL jacket should look like, materials, fabrics, all that jazz. Anyway I met the chap in person and was like, ‘oh yeah this the real deal’. So I snapped it up, that was about 4 years ago. It’s a horsehide Dominator, first horsehide jacket I have ever owned, was very impress with how solid it felt and the shine.
Anyway, onto a recent incident. So I’ve not worn the jacket too often over the past 3-4 years, was more of a special occasion item as in terms of leather jackets it felt quite dressy, didn’t look as casual as cowhide. I kept thinking ‘wow this jacket still looks so new, gonna be a while before I get a good patina’. Sorry I’m digressing again!
So I was at a party and my cousin picked me up under the arms. So picture a hand by each armpit and hoisted up so there would be a fair amount of pressure on the stitching. I didn’t feel it at the time but my nephew told me later on ‘there’s a hole under your arm’. I was like ‘eh? Na no way’. I went to the bathroom to find that both sleeves had completely torn away from the body underneath, madness! It took me a few days to work out how it happened, then I remembered being picked up under the arms as I was blocking his route, of course it was just an amusing gesture and it wasn’t aggressive in anyway but it did irk me a bit when I realised the cause.
Now I’ve seen discussions about the dangers of over stitching on horsehide, the stiffness of the leather can cause small cracks rather than pin holes, and over stitching could just create a real area of weakness. But let’s face it, this shouldn’t have torn like that right? You would like to
think they could withstand some serious rough handling. I’m not a heavy guy, 65 KG, yet this jacket didn’t put up much of a fight at all.
I don’t want to put the fear in anyone with a horsehide jacket but what are your thoughts? D’ya think that incident if recreated would tear on other jackets?
So the damage is mainly to the under arms, the body hasn’t torn at all being the that the zipper is on the outer panel that a pretty decent repeat job could be done on this jacket. I’m no expert on repairs though! T
hat leads me also to add on, does anyone want to purchase this jacket for £120? I understand it might be a bit like ‘why would anyone want to buy this?’ but if ya know of a good repair gaff, or perhaps you could do it yourself this jacket may yet be saved. I’m in the UK, will post anywhere within the UK.
Give yourself a pat on the back for reading through my waffle, look forward to reading what people make of the tear incident.
This is my first thread here, I often stay well away from any kind of comment sections and forums as the anonymity of the internet seems to bubble up the most unpleasant traits in people, however, from what I’ve seen this community seems like a lovely supportive bunch so here goes. Please be kind.
I’ll try not to ramble on too long but it’ll require a fair bit of back story, so I bought this Lewis Leathers jacket second hand from Gumtree. Now I must stress this isn’t my first rodeo, I own two other Lewis Leathers jackets that I purchased directly from their store, one way back in 2010 (cowhide Corsair, that jacket cost £600 back then, what a pleasant thought compared to now eh) and another in 2014. They’re both in complete working order, one of which I’ve worn a heck of lot and looking great.
Now the only reason I mention the other jackets is that I knew what the gumtree LL jacket should look like, materials, fabrics, all that jazz. Anyway I met the chap in person and was like, ‘oh yeah this the real deal’. So I snapped it up, that was about 4 years ago. It’s a horsehide Dominator, first horsehide jacket I have ever owned, was very impress with how solid it felt and the shine.
Anyway, onto a recent incident. So I’ve not worn the jacket too often over the past 3-4 years, was more of a special occasion item as in terms of leather jackets it felt quite dressy, didn’t look as casual as cowhide. I kept thinking ‘wow this jacket still looks so new, gonna be a while before I get a good patina’. Sorry I’m digressing again!
So I was at a party and my cousin picked me up under the arms. So picture a hand by each armpit and hoisted up so there would be a fair amount of pressure on the stitching. I didn’t feel it at the time but my nephew told me later on ‘there’s a hole under your arm’. I was like ‘eh? Na no way’. I went to the bathroom to find that both sleeves had completely torn away from the body underneath, madness! It took me a few days to work out how it happened, then I remembered being picked up under the arms as I was blocking his route, of course it was just an amusing gesture and it wasn’t aggressive in anyway but it did irk me a bit when I realised the cause.
Now I’ve seen discussions about the dangers of over stitching on horsehide, the stiffness of the leather can cause small cracks rather than pin holes, and over stitching could just create a real area of weakness. But let’s face it, this shouldn’t have torn like that right? You would like to
think they could withstand some serious rough handling. I’m not a heavy guy, 65 KG, yet this jacket didn’t put up much of a fight at all.
I don’t want to put the fear in anyone with a horsehide jacket but what are your thoughts? D’ya think that incident if recreated would tear on other jackets?
So the damage is mainly to the under arms, the body hasn’t torn at all being the that the zipper is on the outer panel that a pretty decent repeat job could be done on this jacket. I’m no expert on repairs though! T
hat leads me also to add on, does anyone want to purchase this jacket for £120? I understand it might be a bit like ‘why would anyone want to buy this?’ but if ya know of a good repair gaff, or perhaps you could do it yourself this jacket may yet be saved. I’m in the UK, will post anywhere within the UK.
Give yourself a pat on the back for reading through my waffle, look forward to reading what people make of the tear incident.
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