I started becoming old when I noticed that I had literally never heard of either the hosts or musical guests on "Saturday Night Live". (and didn't care who they were, either)
How about when you have to explain that the "M" in "MTV" used to stand for "music".
You know you're getting old when you get excited that someone carded you to buy alcohol or cigarettes.
You know you're getting old when there are people younger than you who don't know how to use the technology that you did when you were growing up.
Rotary phones.
Film cameras.
I could go on and on.
Well, back to the topic. You know you're getting old when your doctor is younger than you.
I think of this one a lot. I'm a year short of 50 and many of my friends are dead. I've worked with older people and had them as customers since I was in high school, and mostly in some type of service field, so I have been going to funerals for people not in my family for over 30 years. It breaks my heart how many fine people that taught me so much or were kind to me as a young man are no longer here. Then again, there may have been a couple of visitations I went to only to confirm the old buzzard was really dead.You know you're getting old when an entire generation of people you knew when you were young have vanished from the face of the earth.
6 Volt dynamo made by The Prince of Darkness on your daily transport
You know you're getting old when the whole social media thing makes about as much sense as . . . well, it makes no sense whatsoever.
"A gentleman, does not motor about after dark!" Sir Joseph Lucas
"A gentleman, does not motor about after dark!" Sir Joseph Lucas