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The Era -- Day By Day

St. Louis

Practically Family
St. Louis, MO
Given that these were private schools, probably religious, most likely they would have been required to wear either heavy cotton stockings or knee-high socks. The latter were au courant on college campuses in 1941, but not so much in 1944.

PS -- Good to see you joining us in this thread!!
Thank you so much, dear Lizzie! I've missed this place. I hope to be able to participate more regularly now that my job has become slightly less fraught.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I dunno, Ma," sighs Sally, stirring the ice in her Coke with a wilting straw."What'm I S'POSTA do awl day?" "Tharr's plenty'o housewarrk," shrugs Ma, hefting a heavy five-gallon can of syrup in the croook of one muscular arm, as she lifts the cover of the pumping compartment. "Housewoik," snorts Sally. "I gotta t'ree room apawrtmen', wit' me, Leonoreh, an' Stella livin' in it. I make t'beds, I wawsh two dishes, an' I sweep up t' cat haieh. Housewoik. Oh boy, t'houehs jus' fly." "Well," suggests Ma, as the syrup glugs into its receptacle, "did ye do loike I suggested an' lissen t't'radio?" "Pfft," pffts Sally. "Whatta lotta slop. 'Cannis goil from a minin' town out wes' find happiness as t'wife of a wealt'y an' titled Englishman?' Oh moiiiideh!" "Well then," shrugs Ma, "Oi don't know whaat t'tell ye. Soomhow Oi ahllways managed t'keep busy." "Inna stoeh heeh," retorts Sally. "Inna stoeh heeh y'awrways kep' busy. Hey, why don'cha let me help out? I could go inna back t'eh, sweep out t'mess you probl'y got inneh, awla boxes an' cans an' jugs an'..." "Oooh no," insists Ma. "Oi -- ah -- pay Hops Gaffney t'do such waark." "I neveh see 'im doin' it," sneers Sally. "Whoi don'chee go see a movin' pitcharr," suggests Ma. "Take Leonora with ye, make an aaaaahfternoon oot of it. Tharr's a good show playin' ovarr at th' Patio, 'Broadway Rhythm' with -- ah -- George Murphy, a foine dancin' Oirishman if evarr there was woon, an' -- ah --soom oothar picture, Oi don't know. But ye shouldn't miss it!" "Meh," mehs Sally. "I ain' inna mood f'ra movie. B'sides, t'is time'a yeeh t'at fish pond t'ey got inna lobby smells funny." "Well then, whoi not go ovarr t'Prospect Park there, take Leonora farr a noice waalk. Maybe she'll see sooma them harrses there." "Hawrses," chuckles Sally. "Y'know, t'at's a funny t'ing. When we was comin' oveh heeh we come out t'subway an' we seen a, you know, a brewery wagon d'liverin' beeh t'some jernt oveh'rawn Flatbush Aveneh. An' she looks at t'hawrse pullin' it, an' y'know what she says? She looks upta me an' says 'eight t' five.' Whassat s'posta mean?" "Oooh my," whispers Ma.)

Civilians who require penicillin but cannot pay for it will soon be given free supplies of the wonder drug as soon as available quantitites warrant, perhaps within the next five weeks, according to city Health Commissioner Dr. Ernest L. Stebbins. While "limited amounts" of the new drug have been available for civilian use for some time, the commissioner noted that distribution has been held up by "complicating factors."

Women's Army Corps recruits will be sought starting next week in Brooklyn for secret war work outside Washington, D. C. Lieutenant J. W. Coote will sign up qualified recruits next Thursday and Friday at the main Brooklyn recruiting office at 271 Washington Street. WACs are being sought by the Signal Corps to operate keypunch machines, tabulator machines, and to perform "advanced clerical work" at Arlington Hall Station in Virginia, near the nation's capital. Applicants must have at least two years of high school education for the machine operator positions, and must be high school graduates to qualify for the advanced clerical jobs. They must also achieve a high score on the Army Qualification Test.



As the Republican National Convention approaches, the Eagle Editorialist admonishes GOP leadership for "disdaining Wendell Willkie" since the party's 1940 nominee dropped out of the 1944 race. Noting the strength of the 1940 Willkie campaign, and his strong base of support within the party itself, the EE declares that Republican leaders caught up in the Dewey movement ignore Willkie to their own peril. "To treat him with a certain disdain," observes the EE, "which now seems to be the purpose of convention managers, reflects not only a lack of realism, but somethig approaching utter foolishness."


(Ehh, I don't see the appeal.)


(ED HEAD! ED HEAD! ED HEAD! Boy, that felt good!)


(Hey Buff, congratulations! You've been promoted from reporter to co-respondent!)


(Always the sidekick, never the detective.)


(The most orderly racetrack crowd you'll ever see.)


(The unintended consequences of technology!)


(Never mess with a Jack Russell.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Although Miss DeCamp made a minor splash in Hollywood in "Yankee Doodle Dandy", she is primarily a radio actress, best known for playing the ultra-wholesome small-town secretary Judy Price in the ultra-wholesome small-town drama "Dr. Christian." What would Jean Hersholt say to THIS.


Ridiculous. There ARE NO "odors" in Westchester. There are only "scents."


"And ye know how ye get to BE an Old Timer? YE STAY OUTA TH' APPLE BARREL!"


Well, this guy will go over well.


"So -- you will leave us alone from here on, right? You WILL leave us alone."


Funny you should mention "intestinal."


"Keep those cameras rolling, men! We won't get another take!"




Moon is a limber fellow. Pity they can't use him in the Army, he'd make a great paratrooper.


Don't you need to be a licensed heating contractor to listen in thru pipes?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Look," wheedles Sally, nervously clenching and unclenching her fingers as she stretched out on Dr. Levine's couch. "I jus' wanna go back t'woik is awl. I can't take t'is -- nawt doin' nut'n." "Do you really think that's wise, though?" challenges Dr. Levine. "After what you've just experienced?" "It wasn' nut'n," denies Sally. "You were in a mental ward for a week," rebuts Dr. Levine. "Wouldn't you say that's something?" "Am I goin' aroun' bustin' up police phones?" retorts Sally. "T'ey neveh locked t'at woman up in no bughouse f'ra week." "That woman," argues Dr. Levine, "never threw a railroad conductor off a platform." "Hmph," hmphs Sally. "Kilgallen t'rew me downa flighta staiehs, t'ey neveh locked 'eh up." "Who?" interjects Dr. Levine, turning her notebook page. "Nobody," dismisses Sally. "Dawreht'y Kilgallen." "And how long has Dorothy Kilgallen been bothering you?" queries Dr. Levine with a frown. "Y'say t'at like ya t'ink I'm crazy," retorts Sally. "I wenta Erasmus wit'teh, classa June T'oity-one. She comes up fr'm behin' me one time runnin' downa staiehs an' shoves me an' yells 'OUTTA MY WAY!'. I coulda got kilt. Awrways t'ought she was such a big shot, she did, jus' 'cause 'eh ol' man was onna newspapeh. Ev'rybody knew he was a drunk, too, 'Jimmy t' Soak' t'ey cawled 'im. but she'd wawk aroun' inneese expensive clo'es, wit'teh nose inna aieh like she was too good f't'rest'v us, like she t'ought I was jus' shanty Irish from Pigtown, an' wasn' bawrn wit' white gloves awn like she was. 'OUTTA MY WAY," she says t'me." "Ah," ahs Dr. Levine. "She's somebody t'tawk," huffs Sally. "She woiks f'Hoist, an' ya know what people's like t'at woik f'Hoist." "Ah," repeats Dr. Levine. "So," resumes Sally, "you gonna sign a papeh f'me says I c'n go backta woik?" "Let's talk some more first," insists Dr. Levine. "Awright," grumbles Sally, "Whatcha t'inka t' Dodgehs t'is yeeh?" "Need a better middle infield," replies Dr. Levine without missing a beat. "You ain' kiddin'," replies Sally. "Neveh shoulda traded Petey." "That was a mistake," nods Dr. Levine. "Hey," heys Sally, with a grin. "Maybe we really CAN tawk." "So," sighs Dr. Levine, flipping to a fresh page. "About your mother...")

Four flights of American heavy bombers pounded France, Germany, and the Balkans today, maintaining constant aerial assaults on European rail targets, airfields, the Calais rocket coast, and the Cherbourg Peninsula. Three heavy bomber task forces sallied from Britain, the first pounding airfields and rail bridges, the second striking northwestern Germany, and the third blasting Nazi rocket bomb launch sites near Calais and rail switching stations near Boulogne.

Danish patriots are reported to have blown up the biggest armaments works in Denmark, causing Nazi occupation authorities to proclaim martial law in Copenhagen. Eighty Danish saboteurs were said to be responsible for the destruction of the Dansk Industri Syndikat Works, which had been manufacturing machine guns and anti-tank guns for the Nazis. The destruction of the factory was said to be the boldest and most destructive single act of sabotage since Denmark fell.


(But won't somebody please do something for that poor cabbie??? Sure, he's no Leonard Weinberg, but still...)

Reader Etha B. Schaffer writes in to declare her belief that "activity periods" in the public school are the cause of the recent rise in juvenile delinquency. Proclaiming that only such things as reading, writing, arithmetic, history, spelling, and geography have any place in a school curriculum, Mrs. Schaffer asserts that such activities as model airplane building, hobbies, and so forth, are properly reserved for the home. "The juvenile delinquency problem could be solved," she sniffs, "if the activity programs did not usurp these interests that children would ordinarily have after school hours."


(You can't win 'em all, unless you're playing the Phillies. Meanwhile, have a look at the American League DOMINATED by the Browns. At least there's SOMEONE to root for this year.)

Two-Ton Tony Galento, beer barrel boxer still renowned as one of the few opponents to knock down Joe Louis, will join a USO unit to go abroad and entertain the troops. The roly-poly pugilist says he's tried again and again to get into the Army so that he might "moider dem Goimans," but he still can't pass the physical.

Bobby Clark is still convulsing theatregoers as he's done for the past forty years, and no matter when or where he appears, you can still recognize him by his gyrating cigar, his sawed-off cane, and most of all, his painted-on spectacles. Bobby, who is now starring opposite June Havoc in Michael Todd's "Louisiana Hayride," says the greasepaint glasses started by means of expediency -- one night when he and his late partner Paul McCullough were about to go on, he couldn't find his regular pair of stage specs. In desperation he grabbed a grease pencil and drew glasses directly onto his face. The audience roared, and from then on the drawn-on cheaters have been a Clark trademark. He very much resented being forced to wear real glasses when he appeared in the movie "The Goldwyn Follies" some years ago. "Do they make Groucho Marx," he sputtered, "grow a real moustache?"


("Crazed by the man-enemy who has outfought him..." OK, whatever, if you say so...)


(This has actually happened to me, and it wasn't funny at all. Of course, I wasn't walking down the street with a talking pig in sunglasses, so I really can't judge.)


(Houseboats are great, but you do tend to get water in the cellar.)


(I wonder if Margaret Smith Taylor kept a clay jug with 'XXX' on it under her rocking chair...)


("Gentlemen, this is disgusting!")


("Young Tom Dewey Went To Town, Sing-ing Like Gran-for-te!")


(If you ever wondered who they think reads Page Four, they think Bill Biff reads Page Four.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Frankly, the mere fact that she ever said more than two words to Joseph "The Yorkville Fuehrer" McWilliams would be reason enough to judge her unfit.


I knew the News wouldn't let us down.


(On my last day in eighth grade, a group of kids decided it would be a good thing to roll an upright piano the full length of a corridor and down a flight of stairs into the high school. To prevent the Head Teacher from interfering with their scheme, they shoved pennies into the doorjamb of his classroom, in hopes of trapping him inside, but they little reckoned on his ability to climb out a window. For some reason there was no graduation ceremony.)


See, gals, this is why you need a union.


I bet this used to be a famous restaurant too.


Hmph, what business could the likes of Plushie have on 58th Street.


Y'know, being the queen of an undersea kingdom is, itself, fraught with great peril.


Every girl I knew growing up was exactly like Judy. At one time or another we all fell on the ground and skinned our faces.


It's been a long time coming, but Shadow has finally met his match. And "Worry-Shocks?" Dr. Levine says you shouldn't use medical terms you don't understand.


If there's one thing Burms is never without, it's PLANS.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Well now!" greets Alice, seeing Sally descend the stairs into the foyer in her overalls, lunch box in hand. "T'ey letcha out at last!" "T'at ain' funny," mutters Sally. "Don' say stuff like t'at." "Sawry," shrugs Alice. "I'm s'posta give ya t'is," continues Sally as they descend the stoop and head for the 18th Avenue station. "It's a papeh fr'm Docteh Levine, says I'm OK t'go back t'woik. I'm s'posta give it t'my supehviseh. T'at's you. An' ya s'posta give it t't' flooeh supeviseh, an'na flooeh supehviseh's s'posta give it t't foehman, an'na foehman's sposta give it t' t' plant manageh an'na plant manageh -- well, I dunno, he's s'posta give it t' Alexandeh Graham Bell a' s'umpin'." "Ain' he dead?" queries Alice. "Neveh min'," frowns Sally as they enter the station. "Jus' take it. It says about me takin'ese pills Docteh Levine gimme, an' ev'rybody's s'posta make sueh I do it, an'awlat. T'whole t'ing is stupid. Awlese people knowin' wheh I been, I dunno why t'ey don' jus' publish it inna newspapeh. Put it right t'eh awn Page Foeh inna Daily News. Give awla saps an' yaps sump'n t'tawk about." Sally kicks at an abandoned gum wrapper as they take their place on the platform, and watches it flutter down to the tracks. "An don' YOU go sayin' nut'n else t'nobody," she mutters. "Embarassin' enough as it is." "I ain' gonna say nut'n," assures Alice. "An' I'll make f'soiten none'a t'em ot'eh boids do." There is an uncomfortable silence from the two as the roiling of the crowd of the platform grows louder, before Alice hesitantly continues. "Y'sueh y'awright?" she inquires. "I'm awright," snaps Sally. "Ain' I gotta papeh sayin' I'm awright? Howmany'a t'ese people heeh got papehs sayin'eh awright?" "I don't," admits Alice. "I useta have, t'ough, when I was livin' -- ah, neveh min'. Sally glances at her friend with a cocked eye, as the No. 4 train rumbles into the station...)

British 8th Army troops broke thru the center of the German line north and west of Perugia after three days of bitter fighting, while American forces on the west coast of Italy captured the port town of Plombino before sweeping on to within 38 miles of Livorno, second largest harbor left in German hands . A communique reported today that hard fighting was continuing along a 25-mile from from the Perugia area to the west shores of Lake Trasmenio, and down into the city of Chiusi. The communique stated that the Germans in those areas are being "relentlessly hammered back" by British, South African, and Indian armored units.

Nazi robot bombs struck southern England this afternoon in the first daylight attacks since Friday, as hundreds of Allied warplanes swept across the Channel to renew their assaults on battlelines and communication points in France. Although there were no immediate reports of casualties from the robot attacks today, it is stated that some damage and casualties were caused by the pilotless raiders that dropped over Southern England yesterday before the blackout, breaking a 14-hour lull in the bombings.


("You know what our convention needs this year? We need to be more like 'Hellzapoppin!")


(Ahh, if there's one thing people need right now, it's a good Somerset Maugham Christmas movie.)

Father Coughlin's former East Coast representative demanded today that the famed radio priest, silenced by his ecclesiastical superiors since 1942 and off the air since 1941, should return to broadcasting. The Rev. Edward Lodge Curran of Brooklyn, president of the International Catholic Truth Society, declared that he begs God "to hasten the day when once again his voice may ring out over the airways to protect our church, our priesthood, our country, and our fellow citizens against all our enemies." He further asserted that, "like all the great characters of history," his mentor "has experienced victory and defeat, loyalty and betrayal." Father Coughlin was ordered in 1942 by the bishop of his Detroit diocese to cease all political involvement and to confine his activities to those of an ordinary parish priest.


(Oh, and pick up your water balloons at the registration desk.)


(Sorry, Fitz, but can we just play the Philjays the rest of the year?)


(Well, I certainly didn't see THIS plot twist coming.)


(That's certainly true. He was so, utterly.)


(You do know what happens to people who try to pull this, don't you?)


(Never mind this, do you have any idea how much money they'd pay you at Coney Island?)


(All right, Flannery, you can come home now. You've learned your lesson.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea


("Well, uh," stammers Mr. Parrott, tugging uncomfortably at his collar, "some of the -- uh -- boys thought it might be -- uh -- that is to say, some of the boys at the Eagle though that -- uh -- well, that you might take it all in --- the -- uh -- spirit --- of...uh.....")


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Well, if they're gonna have Olsen & Johnson, they might as well have the chorus too.


You know who's a Democrat though? Gypsy's a Democrat.


"Not for me, kid, I just signed a run-of-the-play contract."


"Woman driver" jokes? Come now, Mr. Clark, you're better than this.




"Sorry, we ran out of film. Doncha know there's a war on?"


They call him "Turtle" because the Brow broke his neck.


You're running out of options, kid.


You invited Wilmer? Ew. Who's next, Chigger?


There are things that go on in this house that no one should have to know about.
New York City
"Ain' he dead?" Alice is the best.


"Barry Ward sets out with Buff Beverly 'to shoot underground pictures at the coal mines'."

That is one awkward euphemism for...what? Oh, they really are going to shoot underground pictures at a coal mine. Well never mind, carry on.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I dunno," shrugs Sally, as the train rattles into the Hudson Tube. "Yestehday was hawrdeh' 'n I t'ought it was gonna be. Ev'ryt'ing was fine 'tillat guy inna cafehteria sees me an' stawrts goin' CUCKOO CUCKOO." "I tol' ya," dismisses Alice, "nobody rouna plant's been tawkin' 'bout what happen'tya. It's jus' t'at one guy, anna on'y reason he knows anyt'ing about it a'tawll izzat he's cousins wit' t'at conducteh y' t'rew awff t' -- I mean, t'at fell awff t' platfawrm. An' he ain' gonna be tawkin' t'nobody else, I c'n tellya t'at f'soiten." "Whatcha mean?" is Sally's quizzical reply. "Oh, I guess you didn' heeh," shrugs Alice. "Right afteh lunch t'eh, t'at guy was wawkin' out onteh t'fact'ry flooeh, an'na dope caught a ten-poun' spool 'a soddeh right inna teet'. Ten pounds 'a lead an' tin. Right inna teet'. An' you know how hawrd it is right now t'fin' a dentist?" "Huh," huhs Sally. "Howya s'pose'at happn't?" "Weeh s'posta see one'a t'em movies 'bout plant safety t'is aftehnoon," shrugs Alice. "I awrways like t'em movies. Awrways good t'brush up on ya safety.")

American forces have stepped up their campaign in the Marianas, it was disclosed today, with a land artillery bombardment of Tinian, across a narrow strait from embattled Saipan, and new carrier plane attacks on Guam and Rota. The land and sea attacks on Japanese positions in the islands south of Saipan came as U. S. Marines and Army troops squeezed off an estimated 20,000 enemy soldiers in the northern half of Saipan.

The mighty Cherbourg arsenal roared like a vast inferno as a savage battle raged all afternoon around the 30 foot high concrete bastion which the Germans had turned into a barracks. Flames shooting from the arsenal were visible from 250 yards away as Nazi defenders vainly attempted to turn back the Allied assault. As the assault continued today a long stream of prisoners streamed into the streets of Cherbourg, among them Russian women, some with babies strapped to their backs., who had been enslaved by the Nazis and brought to France as laborers building defenses for the arsenal.


(An "all glamour musical" starring Eddie Bracken? Well, I mean, he's not bad, but he's no John Garfield.)


(If the Mayor really wanted to do something he'd get that poor cabbie his reward!)


("Ah, and I haven't even shown you its most exciting feature! Just press this little button under the dash and this sign on the roof lights up and flashes MAYOR!")


(And to think three-way baseball never caught on.)


(Pffffft. Some hard boiled reporter.)


("The name, if you please, is Mrs. Dardanella-Malarkey. Isn't it, toodles?")


("Quiet, you drip! You'll blow my cover!")


(Look on the bright side -- no more liquid stockings!)


("Cops are trained to wrangle runaway milk horses, not dumb dogs!" -- Kitty.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News.


Page Four really is educational. Until this moment I thought Tetany was a bedroom town in Jersey.


"In a world of chicanery, white Lincoln cars, $5000 bets, and expensive women." And it's on the remainder table? People just don't have much taste anymore for fine literature.


"Couldn't you just give us an employee handbook?"


"Everyone knows there are no Harvard men below the rank of Major!"


But then again, too much rehearsal spoils the spontaneity of the performance.


"Cerberus? Never heard of him."


Fetch the ipecac.


"Oh, stop worrying, there's a rug on the floor. All right now, seven card stud, jacks or better."


"Oh, just some nameless day player. When do we eat?"


Didn't know the Mullinses and the Gumps are related, did you?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And as a bit of a bonus today, here's World-Telegram sports cartoonist Willard Mullin's delightful cover for the program sold at last night's tripartate baseball game at the Polo Grounds.


Mullin more than anyone else perpetuated the "Bums" image for the Dodgers with the raggedy figure he created in 1938 to embody the ball club. His lumbering blank-eyed oaf depicting the Giants and his square-jawed steely-gazed he-man depicting the Yankees were equally indelible.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Looks loike ye boy Dewey's got it in th' bag," observes Ma. "As th' yoong people say." "Oi didn't say Dewey was me boy," protests Uncle Frank. "Oi don't think 'e 'll be mooch good far business eitharr. Boot aaahftarr twelve yarrs, don'chee think it's toime f'ra change?" Ma squints over her glasses. "YOU been hangin' roond here farr twenty-foive yarrs," she declares, "an' Oi wouldn't trade YOU in farr Thomas E. Dewey." "Oi take that," preens Uncle Frank, adjusting his necktie, "as a caaahmpliment." "But," adds Ma, with a mischevious frown, "have ye evarr considered grooin' a moustache?")

Nazi troops are reported to be marching into Helsinki, indicating that Germany may be standing by its agreement to aid Finland in its war with Russia. An undated dispatch in a Swedish newspaper today followed a communique from the Finnish Government declared that it had decided to continue fighting Russia and had agreed to accept aid from the Nazis in doing so. The exact number of German troops arriving in the Finnish capital was not disclosed in the Swedish dispatch, but it is believed to be "substantial."

U. S. Marines and Army troops armed with artillery, flame-throwers, and TNT charges battered their way across Saipan today, thru the stiffest resistance yet encountered in the Pacific island war. Large numbers of Japanese tanks and mobile artillery pieces were reported, especially near the town of Garapan, where Japanese forces are making their last stand from bases deep within inaccessible caves.

Until Herbert Hoover, only living ex-President, addressed the Republican National Convention last night, it was generally agreed that the party conclave in Chicago was the "least inspiring gathering" in the history of the GOP. President Hoover, introduced as the convention's guest of honor, denounced the Roosevelt Administration as like a "European Revolution" designed to install "totalitarian practices upon the people." Mr. Hoover, unseated by President Roosevelt in the 1932 election, declared that no one believed him in 1936 and 1940 when he warned that "the New Deal was destroying freedom," but he asserted that his warnings then were "reserved" and "too cautious." He accused the President of fomenting "class conflict intead of national unity," and of resorting to "personal power diplomacy" in his conduct of the war.


(OK, maybe "interesting" isn't the word, but hey, on payday who wouldn't want to be showered in dollar bills?)


(Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before...)


(Paging Dr. Minkoff!)


("You eveh see Satchel Paige?" queries Sally, as the train rattles homeward. "Me'n Joe seen'im pitch 'gainsta Bushwicks once. He didn' ev'n need nobody inna field behin' 'im. Just mowed 'em down one right afteh'rn'ot'eh. Hey, we oughta go see t'is game Sunday, you'n me an' Krause an' Leonoreh an' Willie." I'm in," agrees Alice. "Y'know, school's lett'n out Friday an' Willie's gonna be movin' in wit' us. Be a good way t'spenna day." "Satchel Paige at Ebbets Feel," muses Sally. "Wouldn'cha like t'see 'im 'teh ev'ry four'a five days? We otta go see Rickey, tip 'im awff onnat." Alice glances over at her friend. "Yeh stawrtin' t'soun' like yeh ol' self again," she observes. "'At's good -- um, I guess..")


("I'd rather you didn't, Chinley -- um, I mean Kingley...")




("Besides, I've got a few bucks riding on this myself!" "What?" "Nothing.")


(Is Boody Rogers secretly writing this strip now?)


(The Grand Alliance.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Ahhh, Honeychile. Remember when Cafe Society really stood for something?


"That's right, Mr. President -- keep that hand where I can see it."


"You'll be using this machine to tenderize black market horsemeat. Hey, everybody's got to have a sideline."


Annie knows her sewers.




Does a stirrup pump work on stomachs? Just wondering.


"Yeah, not buying that."


Ordinarily I'm not fond of beards, but sometimes they do make for an improvement


Burma will pick her teeth with his bones.


Not *our* Joe, but soon enough...

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