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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"There is no Osburne." Not anymore, anyway...


WARNING: All guests will be frisked for axes, roasting pans, and basters at the door.


Well, that'll take care of the fleas....




Isn't it always the way?


"Of course it's mine! Look, a photo of Bim's money!"


Your grandchildren will sell that tie on eBay for $200.


Curly black hair? Check. Lieutenant Commander's stripes? Check. C'MON MILT WE KNOW IT'S PAT.


Enjoy it while you can, Pop.


Hero Cabbie Leonard Weinberg has really let himself go.
New York City
Kudos to Jane Corby for getting the review of the classic "Keys of the Kingdom" right in real time.


"Very hard!" -- Mary throws self in front of plane, Dan Dunn returns here on Monday.

I'd be good with that as, at this point, "Mary Worth" has become painful.



How is this even possible in 1944?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Ohhh, yes," nods Uncle Frank. "We boosted oot what we had left in th' waaarehoose from that run we doon laaast yearrr when th' liquor shortage was gooin' ahhhn. Oi anticipate we'll moove it aaahl oot." "Doon't help me noon," sighs Ma. "Used th' laaaasta that joog'a Coca-Cola syrup t'day. Now Oi ain't even goot that t'sell." "Hm," hms Uncle Frank. "Coca Cola syrup." "Oh, now Francis," eyerolls Ma. "Ye doon't think ye can make..." "How haaard c'n it be?" shrugs Uncle Frank. "Wharr ye goin' t'get th' sugar?" challenges Ma. "Oi know whar I can get a fifty gallon droom'a caaarn syrup," replies Uncle Frank. "Fellar ovar in Jarrrsey troyed t'sell it to me when we had th' still goin'. He moit still have it." "Caaaaaarn syrup!" erupts Ma. "Oi'll be booond, ov aaaahl th' fool ideeears." "Hmm," hms Uncle Frank. "It just moit waaark. Doon't wait oop farr me, Nora, Oi'm aaahf t' Tenafly!" "Bloody caaabog," sighs Ma, watching him go...)


("Whatcha t'ink, Siddy," queries Alice, holding up the paper. "Lotta t'ings we c'n do t'marra night. Sal says we oughta do it up brown, y'know, really have us a big time." "Neh," shrugs Krause. "I know," sighs Alice. "S'posteh be cold an' y' fraid t'leave t'at berleh. But I t'ought'a t'at, OK? Frank Leary owes me a faveh. What if I have him c'moveh'reeh an' tend t'berleh so we c'n go out an', you know, celebrate our annehvoisehry." Krause blinks, considering the possibility. He glances down at Willie for an opinion. "Yeh," nods the boy. "Yeh," nods Krause. "Yeh," grins Alice....)


(Shift Change at Western Electric...)


(See, Ma? You got nothing to worry about. Or should that be "si?")


(Howie is well on his way toward securing the title of Most Wholesome Dodger, left vacant since they shipped Fitz out. And with the racetracks closing, it's nice that Dressen has found something productive to do.)


(The goose is wondering if he could sign up with Sandy's agent and get out of this mess.)


("I do hope eet eez not my draft notice." "What?" "Nozzing.")


("And if you don't mind I need to change out of this stupid costume! These britches are cutting off my circulation!")


("But aside from that, I could really use a pair of galoshes.")




Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News!


"Scoundrel! Blackguard! Mountebank! Those are MY eyebrows!" -- John L. Lewis.


Voice Of The People!




Ever see "The Man Who Came to Dinner?"


"I TRIED tucking it into my sweater -- but it BURNS!"


Well then, she shouldn't be hard to find...


"Now wait a minute. What about ME? And what's that GOOSE doing in the office??" -- Sandy.


"And whatever you do, don't bang on their radiator again!"


Speaking of stinks...


Careful, Flit is hard to come by right now.
New York City

It's a shame to see a fine actor like C. Aubrey Smith reduced to doing ads late in his career. (Did you already note this, Lizzie, I have a faint memory that you did?)


But I t'ought'a t'at, OK? Frank Leary owes me a faveh. What if I have him c'moveh'reeh an' tend t'berleh so we c'n go out an', you know, celebrate our annehvoisehry."

Can't see anything going wrong with this plan.


The goose is wondering if he could sign up with Sandy's agent and get out of this mess.

"It's a tough market for us comicstrip thespians these days, but give me a call, kid, and I'll see what I can do for you. I'm just spitballing here, but can you play other fowl? A call went out a little over a week ago for partridges who could affect a Chinese accent - odd, but they needed a dozen actors in a hurry."

From off stage: "Excuse me, 'thespians?'"
Sandy: "Shut up!"



And the Dragon Lady not far behind!!!!!!


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I ain't seein' Joe around any moeh," sighs Sally. "I haddis dream I tol'ya 'bout las' week, an' since'en I ain't seein' 'im roun' like I was, onna subway an' places, y'know? An' -- well, t'at bot'ehs me." Dr. Levine raises her eyebrows and her pencil simultaneously. "How so?" she prompts. "Well," sighs Sally, "maybe t'at means I'm -- well, maybe t'at means I'm gett'n used t'wim bein' gawn." "That does happen," acknowledges Dr. Levine. "You ain't married," sighs Sally. "Awrya?" "I was," acknowledges Dr. Levine. "My husband died just about a year ago." "Oh." replies Sally. "C'n I ask ya? How long'd it take f'you t'stawp seein' 'im around?" Dr. Levine is silent for a long moment. "Docteh?" prods Sally. "Your husband," sighs Dr. Levine, "isn't dead. And there's a very good chance that by this time next year he'll be home again." "Yeh," sighs Sally. "But maybe -- well, maybe he won't be t'same." "Maybe," ventures the doctor, "YOU won't be the same." "Neh," dismisses Sally, "me, I'm awrways t'same." "No you're not," maintains Dr. Levine. "You're not the same now as you were when you first came to see me. And you won't be the same a year from now. People change as time goes on." It's now Sally's turn to remain silent. "What if," she finally replies, "I don' wanna?" "It's not really," observes the doctor, "up to you." Sally exhales and stares at the yellowed ceiling of the examination room. "Happy New Yeeh, Doc," she sighs. "Happy New Year, Mrs. Petrauskas," nods the Doctor....)

Hundreds of retail butcher shops remained closed yesterday, chiefly because they had no meat to sell, and it seemed likely that the city's near-meatless status will continue into next week. Conferences in Washington between Director of Economic Stabilization Frederick Vinson and representatives of cattle raisers brought no hopeful developments, while spokesmen for butchers here pointed out that even if substantial quantities of beef arrive here over the weekend -- an unlikely possibility -- distribution of such stocks would not reach the consumer until next week. It is predicted that better grades of beef may become more plentiful over the first three months of 1945, but pork is expected to remain in short supply.


(Hey Dix, if you run into Terry and Pat, tell 'em we say hi.)


("'Tis is gonna be swell!" exults Alice, as Uncle Frank peels off his overcoat and Krause squints into the mirror as he adjusts his World's Fair necktie. "Olsen an' Johnson!" she continues. "T' Winteh Gawrden! Whe'd'jee get t'ese tickets, anyway," "Ooooh," demurs Uncle Frank, "yoou know..." "Inky Quinlan didn' have nut'n t'do wit' it," frowns Alice, holding the ducats up to the light. "Didee?" "Oh no," assures Uncle Frank. "You goo out an' have a good toime," he directs, "an' doon't waarrry aboot th' boilarr. Me an' young Willie here got it aaaaahn oondar control, isn't that so?" "Yeh," nods Willie. "Yeh," nods Krause, as the celebrants make for the door...")


("Hey!" heys Bink Scanlan, turning over the final page of the Eagle. "T' funnies! T'eh missin'!" "Don' goo messin with thim papaars," scolds Ma, "'nless ye plan t'buy one." "Real swinldeh you awr," mutters Bink. "Sellin' a five cent papeh wit' no funnies in it!" "An' don't think," frowns Ma, "oi didn't see ye slippin' thim Tums in ye paaaahcket!" "When ya gettin' in moeh choon' gum?" mopes Bink, returning the roll to the display box. "Naaaaaaht soon enoof far you!" snaps Ma. "Happy New Yeeh," sighs Bink. "Hmph!" hmphs Ma....)
New York City
Well that's odd - being a Sunday and all - the archives are just missing today's?

TBH, as long as the Daily New's has its, that's what matters as the Eagle's page is almost painful.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

"Some celebration," sighs Joe, punching a hole in a can of GI beer. "Ain' got t'wuhhry none bout th' beeuh bein' waawrm," shrugs the Corporal. Joe takes a sip and sighs. "Me'n Sal useta have a swell time New Yeeh's Eve," he recalls. "We'd go t' Roselan'. At's a big dance hawl, see -- ack'chlly, t'ez two'v'm. T'ez one in Brooklyn, an'neh ot'eh oveh'rn inna City t'eh. Usual we'd go't'one in Brooklyn, but, you know, sometimes t'e'd be, you know, Benny Goodman a'somebody upta ot'eh one, an' we'd go t'eh, do some steppin'. Sal's a great danceh, y'know, jus' like float'n awn aieh. An'nen, y'know, we'd get tiehd, an' we'd jus' we'd wawk down Broadway, y'know, see what was goin' awn in Time Squaeh t'eh, but'cha know what t'swelles' t'ing is t'eh? Mayfloweh Donut Shawp. Brawdway n' Foeht'y-Fit'. T'ey gawt t'is windeh, see? Facin'a street? An' ya c'n stan'neh awna sidewawlk an' wawtch awla donuts float'n by inna hot grease. I'm tellin'ya, I could wawtch'at awl night." "I dunno bout'choo, Brooklyn," snickers the Corporal. "But'choo awright. Happuh New Yeeuh to yuh." Joe raises his can in response. "Afteh t'wawr, you come t'New Yawrk," he proposes. "Y'll see some sights..."


Victory in '45!


"Hmph," hmphs Mozelewski. "Look at'eh standin'eh," snorts Miss Kaplan, "like one'a t'em Ee-gyptians. An' she awta have a ruffle aroun'a -- well, t'ain'a neckline, zackly, but she awta have a ruffle 'round it!" "Hmph!" hmphs Mozelewski. "If y'd put a ruffle 'roun' MY neckline," fumes Miss Kaplan, "we'da WON'nat contes' las' summeh!" "HMPH!" hmphs Mozelewski, getting up to find another seat. "Happy New Yeeeh!" calls Miss Kaplan in his wake...




You know who else was great? Bill Slagg was great. We never hear anymore about Bill Slagg. But he sure was great.


Children bring joy wherever they go.


The zeal of the convert.


Yes, but how about all those ration stamps you've got down your decolettage? And Mr. King is really feeling the season.


They grow up so fast...

And finally...


It all went by so quick.
New York City
The Pat-Terry reunion feels a bit flat right now, but I think it will pick up as they get into the mission.

Somehow, I don't think it will be all hugs and kisses from the Dragon Lady when she sees Terry again as that's just not her way. It will be interesting to see how Caniff handles that.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Well that's odd - being a Sunday and all - the archives are just missing today's?

TBH, as long as the Daily New's has its, that's what matters as the Eagle's page is almost painful.
It's possible the comics were physically cut out of the bound volume before it could be microfilmed. There were "collectors" who used to do this in the sixties and seventies, and you'll still see those loose pages on eBay for beaucoup bucks. Even Mary Worth pages!


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
The Pat-Terry reunion feels a bit flat right now, but I think it will pick up as they get into the mission.

Somehow, I don't think it will be all hugs and kisses from the Dragon Lady when she sees Terry again as that's just not her way. It will be interesting to see how Caniff handles that.
"First String Team of Chinese Guerillas" -- Connie, Stoop, Dr. Ping, and Hu Shee? And even though he isn't Chinese, throw in Cap'n Blaze too.

I wonder if Terry and the DL will have a dance for old times sake?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
(No Eagle today due to the holiday , but it's no day off for war workers, as we find Sally and Alice on their morning commute to the Western Electric Kearny Works, with Alice a bit worse for the wear. "Oh, I'm tellin' ya, Sal," she sighs. "T'at was some night. Olsen an' Johnson! Stuff goin' awn awl oveh t'place! I neveh laughed so hawrd in me life -- an' Siddy, well, y'know how he says 'heh?' Well, he was laughin' so hawrd he slipped down awff'is seat an' fell down awna flooeh! An' evrybodt toin'ta look at 'im, an' t'ought 'e was inna show! When 'ee stood up t'ey give 'im a han'! An' Olsen 'neh, awn'a stage, he looks right at us an' says SIGN'NAT BAWL-HEADED GUY UP!" "Yeh," sighs Sally. "Me'n Joe seen 'Hellzapoppin'.' Same t'ing." "T'ey done'is ot'eh skit t'eh," continues Alice. "'T' Apawrtmen' a' 1980.' Awl kin'sa gadgets an' stuff, ya push a button 'n food comes outa t'wawl, awlat kinda stuff. Food flyin' aroun, hitt'n'm inna face, 'at kinda t'ing. Hey, Sal, you t'ink t'at's what it's gonna be like? In 1980, I mean?" "Eh," ehs Sally. "Who knows." "Jeez," muses Alice. "You'n me might still be alive t'en. I'd be -- um -- well, I'd be kinda old, an' Siddy'd be kinda old, you'd be kinda old an' Joe'd be kinda old -- but, jeez, Willie an' Leonoreh's gonna be -- well, lemme see -- um -- t'eyd be a li'l oldeh'rn you'n me awr right now. Whatcha t'ink t'at's gonna be like?" Sally silently ponders this question. "One t'ing f'sueh, t'ough," adds Alice. "T'wawr'l be oveh. Don'cha t'ink t'wawr'll be oveh? In 1980, I mean?" "Heeh's hopin'," shrugs Sally....)

And in the Daily News...


"Francis?" mumbles Ma, snapping on the bedroom light at a thumping sound in the hallway. She flicks her eyes to the alarm clock, standing just shy of 3 AM. "Nivver roide th'soobway aaahn New Yarrr's marrnin'," sighs Uncle Frank, lumbering into the room, his face a dark smear of soot and coal dust. He peels off his coat, vest, and shirt to reveal an undershirt equally blackened. "Ye didn't end oop loike that aaahn th' soobway," observes Ma. "Thim dampaaars," exhales Uncle Frank, fumbling with his shoelaces. "Krause has gaaaht thim damparrs rigged oop soocha way it took me aaahl noit t'figyarr it oot. An' th' cooal Oi had to shoovel. Poor old Mistarr Ginsbarrg coom down, aahfered t'help, boot Oi sent 'im aff t'bed. An' Willie can sling a pretty good shovel farr a six year oold, ye know?" He tosses his brogans to the floor, and flops back in the chair. "Oi'm gett'n t'be an ooold man, Nora," he sighs. "But'chee know, it's reassurin' t'know Oi still gaaaht me vigor." "Goo ahhn an' take a batth an' coom t'bed," chuckles Ma. "Ye ain't sooch an' oold man as ye think'yee are." "Oi'm nahhht," agrees Uncle Frank, tossing his grimy trousers over the chair with a wink, and making for the bathroom, "at that.")


Hey Charlie, didn't you do this same bit in "One A M?"


"You know, Jon, you had a pretty good career in show business before the war, remember? That whole mystic-swami bit? You could be big again, Jon, and we could get out of this hovel. You could be as big as Dunninger, Jon. HOW ABOUT IT?"

"Oh well!"


All of this must be happening within the space of a few seconds. It really IS true that stress makes time go slower.


Fifty years from now, this guy will be all over Usenet.


Why does it say MOO on it? Did Honey buy it with Elsie's Ice Cream coupons?


"Two drink limit? War is hell!"


"At least he stopped wearing the smoking jacket and the fez."


New York City
"Goo ahhn an' take a batth an' coom t'bed," chuckles Ma. "Ye ain't sooch an' oold man as ye think'yee are." "Oi'm nahhht," agrees Uncle Frank, tossing his grimy trousers over the chair with a wink, and making for the bathroom, "at that.")

Sally's going to have a baby brother or sister who is younger than her own daughter and Bink of all people will deliver it in the back of the candy store because it will come on VJ Day and they can't get through the crowds to get to a hospital, nor can a doctor or midwife get through the crowds to come to the store. That little intimate experience should change Ma and Bink's, shall we say, "complex" relationship.


She's scripted right out of central casting and if she can't play herself, Brenda Marshall (left) or Margaret Lockwood (right) could step right in.


"Oh well!"

We'll just take motivational speaker off the list of career options for Annie.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Th' NAAAARVE a'that wooman," fumes Ma. "Th' varrrrrry naaaaarve!" "What wooman?" queries Uncle Frank, sipping his two-cents-plain. "Ooooh, that bloody cailleach Mavis Doyle," Ma spits. "She coom in here this maaarnin, flooncin' aroond braggin' aboot that noo-account oooldest boy'a harrs, that Raaaahbert." "Th' one that made Lieutenant?" queries Uncle Frank with mild interest. "Heh, ootranks 'is oold man!" "She prances in here," Ma continues, "loike th' Queen o' th' May, an' starrts roonin' arrr' face aboot how 'dearr Raaaahbert' joost got some meddil, th' Braaaahnze Staaar she caaahled it. "Hmm," hms Uncle Frank. "That's soomthin' t'be prood of." "Oi doon't give a bean f'r th' meddil," dismisses Ma. "It's whaat she said aftarrr. 'Of caaaarse,' she says, 'ye know they give this meddil oonly t'real foitin' men. They'd nivvar give it oot t' -- oh, prisonaaars. Arrrr cooks neitharrr.' TH' NAAAAARVE!!!!" "Real foitin' man, is 'e now?" chuckles Uncle Frank. "D'ye remembarr that toime..." "Yes I do," affirms Ma. "Sally coom home fr'm school aaahl in tears, sayin' that rotten Bobby Doyle kipt pullin'aar hair! An' YOU wasn't noo help, ye says to 'arr 'oh thaat's joost how ye know a little boy loikes ye!" "An' then she said," nods Uncle Frank, "WELL OI DOON'T LOIKE HIM!" "That's roit!" injects Ma. "An' thin th' next day, Sally cloimbed oop that fire escape an' waaaited f'r Raaahbert to goo by an' when 'ee did she joomped down aaahn 'im an' whaled th' taaar oot'v'im." "That she did," laughs Uncle Frank. "Whaaaar's HER Braaaahnze Starrr?" demands Ma. "Ahhh, now, Nora," replies Uncle Frank, "that' was twoony' years agoo. They doon't joost hand oot thim meddils, ye know, Bobby moosta done soomthin' t' 'aaarn it." "Oi bet they do too give'm t' cooks," growls Ma. "After aaahl, they say an aarmy travels aaahn it's stoomach...")

Expectation in many quarters that Mayor LaGuardia will seek a fourth term was the sequel to the New Year's Reception held yesterday at City Hall. The Mayor, along with his wife and 16-year-old daughter, shook hands with about a thousand well-wishers in his poinsetta-bedecked office, and when questioned by a reporter about his plans for next year, he commented "oh, I'll be around." The Mayor's third term ends on December 31st, 1945. Further hints that a fourth campaign is imminent came from Rep. Vito Marcantonio of the American Labor Party, to which the Mayor also belongs, who stated that he is prepared to circulate nomination petitions to get the Mayor on the Democratic Party primary ballot as soon as the Mayor gives him the word. Governor Dewey has indicated that he would also support efforts to place the Mayor on the ballot as a Republican.


("Hmph," hmphs Sally. "Monty Woolley ain't Irish." "How'da you know?" challenges Alice. "He could be." "Not wit'tem whiskehs," insists Sally. "You eveh see any Irish goin' aroun' hidin' b'hind a beehd like t'at? If 'e was really Irish, 'ee'd stick 'is baehnaked chin right out t'eh not afraid'a nut'n." "Remembeh when Pat Ryan had a beehd?" recalls Alice. "He ain't really Irish neiteh," dismisses Sally. "Wit' t'at haieh an'nat build? He's really Lit'uanian, like Joe. It's awbvious. B'sides, inna funny papehs t'ey do all kind'sa stuff t'at ain't real. I mean, t'at Hotshawt Chawrlie's been inneh f' mont's now, an' not one poisson's pushed 'is face in yet." "Y'gotta pernt," concedes Alice. "June Haveh ain' Irish neiteh," declares Sally. "I hoid she was Scottish," argues Alice. "T'at's close'ta Irish, ain' it?" "Ain't t'same t'ing a'tawl," dismisses Sally. "You eveh heer'a Scottish Eyes a' smilin'? T'ey jus' scowl atcha." Alice ponders for an interval. "Hey Sal," she finally resumes. "I didn' know you was Scottish!")


(Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick....)


(Better fluid makes all the difference.)

Police say a Brownsville candy store owner stabbed a man to death after he threatened to attack her. Mrs. Hattie Crawford told police the man entered her shop at 223 Livonia Avenue and threatened to beat her, and that when he made a lunge at her she defended herself with a knife. Police identified the dead man as 32-year-old Danny Dixon of 180 Livonia Avenue.


(Tommy Brown, Curt Davis, Ben Chapman, and Ray Hayworth. Well, Tommy could teach them to play stoopball.)


(Well, something we can all agree on.)


(Leslie's a man? That's an angle we weren't expecting.)


(Yeah, Janie, we can see you haven't spent much time in show business...)


("Cupie!" howls Bink Scanlan. "What a stupid name!")


(Poor thing, and in January it'll be tough to find something good to roll in.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"T'at one was CLOSE," shudders Joe, as the convoy grinds to a sudden halt. The Corporal cranes his head out the back of the truck to try and see any indication of what may be happening, but Joe grabs his coat and yanks him back. "Awwww," frowns the Corporal, "whaah'd'juh gon' do that? Yo' know they don' shoot at cooks." "T'ey shoot at idjits, t'ough," hisses Joe. ""I see a saaaahn layin' on th' ground," nods the Corporal. "We's comin' up awn some place cawled 'Bitche.'" "Ahhhhh," dismisses Joe. "Ya makin'at up." "Look fo' yo'self!" insists the Corporal. Joe frowns, and leans toward the back of the truck until the Corporal grabs him by the arm. "Hah!" he hahs. "Who's thuh idjut NOW?"


Caprice Capron for Miss Rheingold 1945!


It's no use, you'll never get your cleaning deposit back.


When skunks are outlawed, only outlaws will have skunks.


"Hmph." -- Lt. Cmdr. Benjamin Spock, MD.


Pot, Kettle, Black.


"Speaking of those days, what do you hear from Normandie? Pat? Why are you putting your coat back on?"


That's coming out of your pay!


How little you understand this situation.


Yes, but it DOES stick to your ribs.

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