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Paris Hilton: The Death of America


A-List Customer
I was reading philosophy today and read this quote from Epictetus:

"Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant."

I immediately thought of the moral vaccuum that is the Hilton sisters. The inheritance they have squandered in decadence, the as yet untold negative effect they are having on the minds of millions of young women in America. What is the message they are sending?

"As long as you have money, you can do and own whatever you like and will be held responsible for nothing...Also, it's best to dress like a harlot - That's what's attractive. Be shallow, be selfish, live for yourself and no one else."

Makes me so mad just thinking about it.... I need a drink.


One of the Regulars
Don't let it get you down, MDFreedom. There are much worse things than Paris Hilton out there. Trends come and go and she is just a shallow trend for the moment. Nothing lasting.

Besides, "The Simple Life" shows are pretty darn funny. You'll actually feel better after seeing what middle America thinks of those two fools Hilton and Nicole Richie.

The Wingnut

One Too Many
The Hilton sisters are just a symptom of a greater ill: After three, going on four, generations of Americans that are determined not to go to war no matter what the cost, will shower their children with anything and everything to make them happy, America's offspring are becoming more and more solipsistic, more complacent, more careless, and more greed-driven. We are in the era of the 'me' generation. I shudder to think of what sort of generation the fans of Eminem are raising right now.

We have become a short-order, throw-away, on-demand culture. We are burning ourselves out, and the first things we threw out to attain this state were morals, dignity, principles, and an uncompromising nature.

Paris and her sister (whose name escapes me, which doesn't bother me one bit) are the products of three generations stemming from the mentality that if we don't let any harm or unhappiness come to our children, they'll grow up happy and wanting for nothing. Spare the rod, spoil the child. As such, they 'mature' into spoiled brats with no idea of how to cope with life's trials, nor the common sense to figure their way out of a jam. Simple things like the power cord on a trailer needing to be unplugged before hitting the road trip them up.

Regrettably, this is a legacy given to us by the WWII generation...after WWII, no one wanted to ever go to war or experience a depression again. That philosophy worked for about 15 years, and began to collapse in the early '60s as the baby boomers explored their own freedom and will.

I hate to say it, but I think we're beyond the point of no return...

Retro Grouch

One of the Regulars
I see the Hilton sisters having about as much effect on our children as Ozzy Osborne, Judas Priest, Marylon Manson or any other fad. Pretty benign. Sadly, shock sells but dissipates quickly.

Going back to the quote from Epictetus, the term "instruct" is what I think is pivotal. There is little instructing going on from todays parents. The young are left to find guidance somewhere else. I think the Conyers, GA highschool syphilis outbreak is a perfect example.

That's my .02 pesos.


The Wolf

Call Me a Cab
Santa Rosa, Calif
Retro Grouch makes a good point. If one has children it is important to teach them values. Outside of that we teach the world around us by example. People smile when I hold open a door for them, if someone drops something I say "Excuse me, is this yours?", I nod and smile as people I pass. People are getting more into themselves and caring less about others. Either they are talking on a cellular phone, have earphones on for music or "don't want to get involved".
Where I work people are surprised that we know about the product, we help them find something, count back change, etc. This souldn't be extraordinary. I believe that the more we show a respectable way to act then people realize they like it and want to continue it.
The Code of Doc Savage was known by children of the 1930's and 1940's that got the membership card from the pulp. It is worth reading. A copy of it can be had at Chris Kalb's wonderful site; The 86th Floor. www.members.aol.com/the86thfloor/fortress/fsvintage is the page


A-List Customer
"Let me strive, every moment of my life, to make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit by it. Let me think of the right, and lend all my assistance to those who need it, with no regard for anything but justice. Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens and my associates in everything I say and do. Let me do right to all, and wrong no man." - The Code of Doc Savage

Right on, Wolf!


A-List Customer
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Now be too terribly down on Ms. Hilton. Granted, she's a far stretch away from being considered a "lady" in my books, but she's not a horrible person.

After an episode of "the Simple Life" in which paris spills a drink on a pool table, Fox refused to pay the bar for the accident, so Paris did, and replaced the pool table.

At least she has SOME sense of responsibility, and there are two sides to even the dirtiest of coins.




A-List Customer
Scotland, UK
If you are the type of person to take stock in image and moral teachings of jack in the box TV personalities like Paris Hilton then that really says something about yourself - you're already lost.

I think the sensible people out there will be able to see beyond the superficial and not let themselves be influenced in such a way to stop themeselves developing independently. Afterall, there have always been famous fools and there have always been famous wise men just like there have always been fools and wise men.



A-List Customer
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Not sure if you were specifically referring to my post or not, Ken, but I agree with you one hundred percent. My point was, that 90 percent of these TV personalities are either acting or the show is edited as such to get ratings. It's all about the shock, the new and improved, the cleavage, the blood, the guts, etc. Those TV personalities may be just like that, but until I meet them I'll reserve judgement. As I said, there are two sides to every coin.




One of the Regulars
The Berglund Apartments
Originally posted by farnham54
...90 percent of these TV personalities are either acting or the show is edited as such to get ratings... ...until I meet them I'll reserve judgement. As I said, there are two sides to every coin.


After all, look how Michael Moore edited documetary footage to make Charlton Heston--a man who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the civil rights movements of the Sixties--look like an insensitive, racist fascist.

(And anybody who gets all frothing at the mouth over Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest these days needs to work on developing their sense of humor.)


I'll Lock Up
New England
I know that I watched wayyy too much TV growing up. I was a latch key kid, only child of a single parent household. I am so very grateful that my TV parenting consisted of characters and cartoons far more innocent and positive than what is popular today. Sure, Bugs Bunny dressed in drag a lot, but he looked kinda cute unlike those computer generated trollopy things on the Saturday morning cartoons.


Call Me a Cab
Somewhere among the owls in Maryland
I think the Paris Hiltons and Eminems of the world have a definate effect on the young...but maybe much more of an effect on those not so young. Its mostly us "grown-ups" that get in a tizzy about them. How many fads have come and gone in our lifetimes that we managed to survive? Plenty.(I survived the Seventies,Punk rock and still listen to Ozzy Ozbourne...and Louis Armstrong!)

As was already written here It's how you raise your kids that is going to have an impact. I think a much greater impact than some bubble-headed heiress or foul mouthed "musician".

Most all of the employees where I work are either teenagers or in their early 20s. They listen to rap and wear clothes styles that I really can't stand to see...but their parents raised them well and that will ,I believe, give them plenty of protection from celebrity whores and all the other dreck that gets pushed at them in the name of "fashion".


I'll Lock Up
New England
As was already written here It's how you raise your kids that is going to have an impact. I think a much greater impact than some bubble-headed heiress or foul mouthed "musician"

Oh I agree. Sadly, many kids are not being raised properly due to lack of supervision or parents that are misguided.

Have you seen the commercial with the bratty kids fighting in the car, and then mom gets hit in the face with a book? We are then told it's time to get a portable DVD player. Yes, it's just a commercial, but it's marketing to the current cultural mentality that accepts that electronics, TV and video games are babysitting kids more and more.

I see the problem being a combination of lowbrow programming and absent parents (mentally and/or physically), in general.

Wild Root

Gone Home
Monrovia California.
What I want to know is this?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ What is so ?¢‚Ǩ?ìHot?¢‚Ǩ? about Paris? She?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s too thin, her personality is flat among other things and she?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s a tramp. No self respecting male of any race creed or color would find her remotely sexy. Sure, the money is there but, who cares about that? I have watched Late Night with Conan O?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢Brien for a wile and some of the jokes about her are just too funny!

The ?¢‚Ǩ?ìSimple Life?¢‚Ǩ? oh, that show enrages me! My heart goes to the families that have to put up with them. They wreck every thing that comes into their path! Those poor farmers!

Ever since the words ?¢‚Ǩ?ìThat?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s Hot?¢‚Ǩ? was uttered from Paris?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s mouth, that?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s been the hottest catch phrase since Bart Simpson?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s ?¢‚Ǩ?ìDon?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t have a Cow man?¢‚Ǩ?. I don?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t get it, why do some stars get all the attention when some that have real talent and class get shadowed by the sluts? That?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s Hollywood for ya.

MD, don?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t let this modern pop star get to you. She?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s not worth it.

Do as I and live a life in the 1940?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s! You?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ll feel better having Betty Grable or Ginger Rogers pinned up in your locker.

Wild Root said:
What I want to know is this?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ What is so ?¢‚Ǩ?ìHot?¢‚Ǩ? about Paris? She?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s too thin, her personality is flat among other things and she?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s a tramp. No self respecting male of any race creed or color would find her remotely sexy. Sure, the money is there but, who cares about that? I have watched Late Night with Conan O?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢Brien for a wile and some of the jokes about her are just too funny!

Believe me, i've been thinking about this for a long time (don't tell the Baroness ;) ). I'm very interested in this kind of thing: How is it that things get popular that really shouldn't?

The fact is that the woman is not hot, in any way, shape or form.The stupendous inanity of almost everything that comes out of her mouth in public surely precludes any intelligent person from being interested in her as a potential partner. She simply protrays herself (and going by her actions it's probably a true impression) as a breathtakingly easy lay. That's what most young men are out for. Therefore she gets the attention of the majority of the male population. Then young women think that by associating themselves with the Paris Hilton brand they can get the male interest too. We are mostly shallow, there's little point in denying it. This brings in incredible amounts of money to Paris Hilton Inc. ("perfumes", thrush-central polyester underwear, pornography) so she continues to make a fool of herself. It's simple marketing. Just like Miller Light ads. How is it that Light beer somehow became the manly alternative? Is it truly baffling? No, indeed. It's all down to marketing.

Little point worrying about it. I don't think it reflects any degeneration of "morals" or "values". It's simply that some people are willing to make themselves out to be utter imbeciles if the return is large enough.



One of the Regulars
Londonderry, NH
I never quite knew the reasons why I dislike Paris Hilton. Gut instinct I guess, but this website points out something I did not notice, yet it is so true... She can change her clothes, her hairstyle and her boyfriend each day, (and if she wore underwear, she could change that too) but that facial expression rarely changes. Funny stuff!


My Mail is Forwarded Here
City of the Angels
I have found in my study of history that civilization has always played host to snobs and dullards that have been pushed artificially to promenance in societies. "Hollywood" and all that emcompasses, is simply another passing phase of human history. I don't take any of too seriously.

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