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Our symols and how we regard them.

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Hardlucksville, NY
As I read this article this morning it started me thinking.

We Americans value the freedoms the Constition offers us. Freedom of Speech, rights to assemble, own firearms or practice a particular Religion as quick examples. Though we do not always agree with all of the freedoms granted, we generally agree to disagree. :)

These freedoms are most put to the test by small groups of people during trying times. Two quick examples are the North American colonists of the 18th Century who had enough of Englands rule and the United States Civil Rights struggles of the 1960's. Neither of these events appear supported by the majority but by a determined group.

Can an arguement ever be made to support a flag burning? All demagoguery aside, I think protesting a law, war or a President is a specific idea and does not reflect a person's patriotism, morals or law abiding nature.

I cannot help but wonder why Democrats or anyone would be opposed to a law to prohibit burning the best symbol of the United States?

A president is elected by the people to lead our Country for a limited time. Our Flag represents all of us forever.

Any thoughts?


Familiar Face
Southern California
Still very new here... so I don't want to step on any toes..

but I must say that there are many times when I don't feel that flag represents me. I doubt I'd ever burn one myself... but I certainly understand the desire to scream out "what our country currently stands for does NOT represent me". And burning a flag, to me, fairly represents that cry.
I also don't think that acts of protest, barring violence, should be limited in any way. It's often the small minority of protesters who's viewpoint history proves out.

Political issues aside-- if I bought & own the flag in question, it should be MY right to do with it as I like.

I do find it peculiar that although many Americans take this issue to heart, they didn't understand the fury created by the rumors of Korans being flushed down the toilet in Abu Ghraib.

Dr. Shocker

One of the Regulars
I have always found this subject entertaining.....growing up we learned to burn the flag as one of two appropriate ways to retirea flag.....of course we also learned the laws that govern how the flag is to be displayed....when I first say Americans burning the flag iwas shocked and offended.......but I feel it is thier right as Americans to voice thier opinion.....of course alot of time I feel if they hate the country that much maybe they should leave....I hear there are plenty of countrys with less rights that are nice this time of year.......most people both demcrats and republicans do not like the goverment or the way it runs the country but few take the time to really get into the thick of things to help solve the problem either....um I think I will step off the soapbox fo the time.....


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oakland, CA, USA
Red Herring!

Surely there must be a more pressing issue for opportunistic
politicians to discuss. Debt? Medicare? Growing gap between rich
and poor? Religious illogic in our schools? Corporate corruption?

Surely even if flag burning were worth discussing over so many
priorities it would not be in the context of a constitutional amendment?
That's just wreckless.

Biltmore Bob

Spring, Texas... Y'all...
Gap between the rich and poor?

Yeah right! We will always have the poor. They tried Social Communisim and it didn't work, remember?

Flag burning. whether you consider it a right or not, is a slap in the face of every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine that ever served, fought, or died for the USA.

Matt Deckard

Man of Action
A devout capitalist in Los Angeles CA.
Flag burning should always be my right. Freedom of speach. How can you take away a persons right to speak against a government that you don't believe in. If this right is taken away then who's to say that the government can't take away your other freedoms on a whim as well? We have the freedom to burn the flag because as Americans we are free to protest and speak against our government when it is taking too much power.

I also have the right to make a bush puppet and run over that with a tractor, or take an George Washington home made painting and throw it off my roof. We have the freedom to protest, we have the freedom to speak against that which we don't believe in and that is what makes America America. You can do what you want to do and not be prosecuted for not liking the system.

Anti flag burning laws make it sound more like a controlled state where we can't speak our mind.

Biltmore Bob

Spring, Texas... Y'all...
I understand what you are saying Matt..

And I don't think you are the flag burning type. You just want that option available if you ever take that notion. I don't necessarily think flag burning should be criminalized, I just think the whole idea of flag burning is silly. It makes you look sort of foriegn...kind of Palistinianish. Not that the Palistinians are silly, but when they burn efigies and US flags and protest, I think they look silly. Here's the thing, nobody really cares. Protest all you want.

Here in Texas, burn a flag and the cops arrest you, not for flag burning, but for unlawful open burning. Burn a cross and you go to jail for a hate crime. It's just burning something, right? Go figure.

Matt Deckard

Man of Action
A devout capitalist in Los Angeles CA.
I was born in Texas. I have been to a few ceremonies where they retired flags. And you are right, I want the option open if ever I decide I want to protest. Every right is precious! It may be a little thing that congress should stay out of, though when they get into these little things it makes me nervous. Micromanaging is not the governments job.

BD Jones

One of the Regulars
Though I oppose flag burning, I believe the right to do so should be protected. I'm reminded of my favorite quote from one of my favorite semi-political movies “The American President":

“America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've got to want it bad, because it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil who is standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the 'land of the free'? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then you can stand up and sing about the 'land of the free.'"

Michael Douglas as “President Andrew Shepherd�

Vladimir Berkov

One Too Many
Austin, TX
If I own the flag, I have the right to burn it.

Of course, property rights don't seem to get much consideration in this day and age, just look at the shameful supreme court decision...


Windsor, Ontario
As far as I'm concerend a flag is just a piece of fabric...

What more important are the ISSUES that lead people to WANT to burn a flag... Way bigger problems than toasting a ephemeral symbol will ever be in my book


One Too Many
Perth, Australia
The day a nation tells you that you cannot express yourself (eg flag burning) or have freedom of speech, it is no longer a democracy, not matter how hard they try to convince you that it still is. I don't like to see flags burnt either, but I'm not going to care too much if someone does it to symbolise something they believed in. People generally don't do it willly nilly that's for sure.

Governments need to focus on other things like health, education, environment etc. What is the world coming too!


New in Town
One of the very first laws that Red China passed upon assuming control of Hong Kong was to make flag burning illegal. Since that time, they have prosecuted some individuals for flag burning. Our State Department keeps records of how often the Red Chinese persecute people for burning the Chinese flag, as it considers those prosecutions an example of how the Red Chinese violate human rights. Those violations are used against Red China in the argument that they should not have most-favored-nation status. There is just a bit of hypocrisy among those members who claim this amendment does not interfere with fundamental liberties, yet are critical of Red China for punishing those who burn the Chinese flag.
--Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul99.html

The Wolf

Call Me a Cab
Santa Rosa, Calif
irony and my two cents

I've found it ironic some people in my area have tattered, faded flags hanging off their vehicles that have been out in the rain and touched the ground. They have officially desecrated the flag and if you told it should burned they would be offended, even though that is the proper act.
I don't think the flag is just a piece of cloth anymore than our president is just a man. They are both symbols. As such their image is used in protests. The flag stands for a lot. When I come back in the country and I see our flag it symbolizes many things to me, but mostly that I'm finally home.
The flag is a very powerful symbol and burning it should be very powerful protest. I don't want some yahoo burning a flag just because he can.
Someone should be allowed to burn the flag to make a strong point and, yes, someone else can put it as their protest.

The Wolf
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