Personally think it’s lot of people buying second hand from Japan for some of these brands and trying to flip it. Can’t find a 44 over there.The fedora lounge! eBay! You'll find tons of great jackets for sale! What's left out of this comment is the "if you're a 38" . Even the few 42-44 "fit like a roomy 38"
I can’t imagine how broke I would be buying from Japanese sites if I wore a 38 lol. It’s probably for the best I don’t.Personally think it’s lot of people buying second hand from Japan for some of these brands and trying to flip it. Can’t find a 44 over there.
I'm 5'10 165lbs and wear a Thedi M.I've been eying a few on Thurston Bros stock section, those are new and pricey. There's a few that I like but used/worn sites are worthless for people over/under a certain size. My size Thedi(3X) is $200 more than XL. There's more material in a 3x I get it. But $200? On a jacket that's already $1,600 the tall tax is real I guess!
Why has this post upset you? Of course I know my proportions are a big(get it?) part of the issue. That's why this post is mostly sarcastic. Hence the lol in the title.I'm 5'10 165lbs and wear a Thedi M.
Has it occurred to you that rather than only small people selling their stuff, most of the jacket base is people with significantly different proportions to yourself?
I know! I've searched Aero 46 and there are 3 in the last few years that would've been insta-buys for me.Here you mostly find for sale either under size 40 jackets. Or biiiiig ones like 46 and up.
There is a nice vintage police jacket but its way too big to be worn by most.
If comes an interesting jacket around 42-44 it won't last long.
I used to be fatter and wore suit jackets that were 48 or 50 long and found those pretty easily at Kohls and such. Leathers at 46 seem to be nice on the slimmer models where a 44 works for relaxed. My chest is 44" for reference. I'm debating this one but am afraid it would be to short. was just thinking this. A lot of my jackets I wish were bigger across the shoulders. I feel like I'm a mutant. But then again most of the people I know are the same size as I am. So I guess jackets appeal to smaller people.
If you go to buy a suit off the rack the largest selection is in 40-44. In jackets even this labeled as 44 fit snugly. I have a field leather in size 42 that I can barely breathe in. But I wear a 42 in most suits. So again I think that the public that buys jackets is pretty thin
Glad you made a thread about this, now we are all wiser. Such important information. Good job.
This is the classifieds. Posts should either be about buying or selling an item, and discussion pertaining to those items...I ask this question sincerely (Newbie so still learning the ropes):
Does all communication on TFL need be professional and informative? Or like a group of friends is it OK to BS about inconsequential things
In this case, I have many times wondered the same question the OP put into words
This is the classifieds. Posts should either be about buying or selling an item, and discussion pertaining to those items...
There are casual forums on TFL. This is just... The Classifieds.
"Why are there so many smalls lol" isn't quite... What I would consider Classifieds material, but I'm not a bartender.
And my sincere response would be that this post reminded me more of reddit than of TFL. I guess I see it more in terms of effort put into it than being professional or informative. We do have a daily questions thread about such observations (in jest?). But that's just my opinion, I'm not a moderator. And one need not take my sarcasm to heart. My response would have been different if the topic was phrased differently as well.I ask this question sincerely (Newbie so still learning the ropes):
Does all communication on TFL need be professional and informative? Or like a group of friends is it OK to BS about inconsequential things
In this case, I have many times wondered the same question the OP put into words