I have been browsing this site for a while and got many valuable information.
I have recently conducted and experiment and ordered one panama hat, with the same budget (more or less 1000 USD each) from three different makers : Brent Black, Panama Bob and Casey at Panama Hats direct.
Two are to be offered to my brothers and one I shall keep.
So far, the ordering process has been going smoothly... two are still being processed and made (Panama Bob and Panama Hats direct) while one (Brent Black) is already delivered (please note that while Panama bob and panama hats direct do not charge upon receipt of the order, Brent Black charges immediately you credit card...!).
I had to wait about one month for the BB to arrive.
Here it is:
I am very satisfied with both the process and the hat I received.
But I need to compare with what I will receive from the other two makers because I don't have strong elements of comparison.
I will post when I receive the new hats.
Best Regards to all