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HORRIBLE DAY.... see first post I updated it.

Julius Xavier

One of the Regulars
Milwaukee, WI
Update on Duke for 04/07/06

We where able to take Duke home from the hospital today. Only after getting the bill which totaled $2328.85. WOW that stung. Then the Vet informed us that Duke infact has a fracture in his shoulder joint where it connects to his arm and then proceeded to tell us how much pain it will cause him if we didn't get it fixed by surgery. Then the Vet was kind enough to estimate a cost of $2500.00 to $3000.00. With a grand total of close to $5328.85. Which ironically is just about what we are short for the move we are making to San Diego at the end of May. Here's the kicker though my girlfriend had suggested that we push the move back then I had to remind her that someone is moving into our place the day after we move out, that we already bought our plane tickets, paid the moving company $2000.00. So we're kinda stuck. Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I'll keep you all in my heart...


Okay here's the update for 04/05/06.

I just got back from the Vet Hospital about 15mins ago. When we arrived the doc pulled us into a room and gave us an update on his condition before we got to see him.

The Doc suspected that Duke might have some nerve damage due to the severe blow to the head by the car because as of this morning his eyes where acting weird not focusing or something and also thought that maybe his left paw had to be amputated because he was afraid that it was damaged because he wasn't able to move it or walk on it.

I was crushed at this point and just wanted to see my puppy so I was half listening as it was.

So we walked into where Duke was and he had one of those cone thingys around his neck... and I think he cought a wiff of Mindy and I because his tail started wagging alittle and we hadn't even gotton to the cage all the way. So he turns and sees both of us and his tail starts going crazy. The Vet then changed his eariler statement about the nerve damage and chocked the eye thing up to the drugs he was on... He said it was one of the two.

So they opened the cage so we can get closer and low and behold here comes my puppy limping out of the cage... USING HIS BAD PAW AS WELL. Again Vet was shocked. Even more shocked when Duke ripped out is IV because he wanted to be closer to us. Mindy croutched down to get a better look at his face and Duke used his body to knock her off balance and she fell down and he attempted to lay on top of her like he does at home on the couch. The doctors there where having a difficult time taking him out to use the bathroom and asked us if we'd try and again he followed us outside and as soon as he was out there he went to the bathroom.

Well it was time to leave and that poor dog with hardly ANY strength tried his hardest to follow us out... and the vets had a difficult time putting him back into his cage... Dang it he wasn't standing his ground... it was like he was trying to tell the vets... "I walked on the paw you thought was broken.... I can see fine now.... I went to the bathroom outside... Can I just go home now!"

As we where leaving the Vet stopped us and reiterated how impressed he was with Duke and how good it looks for a speedy recovery, but also said that anything can happen within the next 24 hours and that he's not out of the woods yet. They still have to do surgury on his shoulder and so some more x-rays but if he keeps improving like this and nothing else tragic happens he should be safe and sound at home by Friday.

Here's hoping Duke... Love you man.

:cry: Okay first and for most I'll start out by saying this is part rant, part story, part request for prayers.

I was returning home from getting a haircut this afternoon around 2:00pm and My girlfriend had been out walking our chocolate lab Duke when I get the frantic phone call that he has been struck by a car. According to Mindy and witnesses the car didn't even stop... kept going like my poor puppy was a speed bump. Turns out the plates on the WHITE car that struck my dog where registured to an 84 BLACK Cutlass.

Duke my poor best friend has a gash on his top shoulder that is so deep you can almost see bone, his mussle and over all face is swollen like no one business. When I saw him for the first time this afternoon he was bleeding out of his nose and whining ALOT. The vet finally got him stable around 10pm tonight. To this point we are at $2600.00 to $2900.00 dollars estimate. Now the Vet suspects that there is a slight chance that he might have a fracture on one of his verterbrae in his back but can't tell for sure unless she does a $900.00 CAT Scan.

I moving to San Diego in approx. 54 days and I'd delay the trip if it wasn't for the fact the moving company has already been paid $2000.00 and the plane tickets have been bought. I'm really at a loss right now... Between the crying and rage towards "Serita Reed" (the woman the license plate is registered to) I'm a wreck.

Now here is the KICKER to end all KICKERS... There is nothing the police can do about it. Get this you hit a human you go to jail... You damage my property you go to jail... BUT you run over my dog NOTHING, the police say it a Civil Matter and that I'd have to take her to court... unfortanally for us she lives in the ghetto of Milwaukee and most likely has no money. I find it odd that I can get someone arrested for distruction to PROPERTY I can easily replace at the store that I have NO emotional attachment to but as far as my poor puppy goes, I'm outta luck in the LAWS eyes. And then they wonder why people take the law into their own hands... and for Serita's sake Duke better pull through. I'm an emotional wreck right now. Just please keep my Duker's in your thoughts, prayers, or whatever else it is you do. My best friend really needs it now.



Updates to follow-



One Too Many
Wow - that is horrible. I hope that Duke pulls through!

I hate to see an animal suffer because of human ignorance or cruelty.

We had our neighbours poison our black lab. There was nothing we could do about it.
Geez, that is terrible to hear.
In my opinion, this person is an idiot who needs straightening out. If it were me, I would take her to court and sue for vet bills. Even if the dope doesn't have a cent I would attach any wages due to her. If she is a welfare case, then you might as well forget it because federal government compensation cannot be attached. There is that car though. It might save some other dog or person for that matter if she didn't have it. :mad:
I know what you mean about vet bills escalating. I have the cost of a used car in my dog. :eek:



Hemingway Jones

I'll Lock Up
Acton, Massachusetts
I am sorry to hear about this also. I have a Dalmatian who is 12 years old and she has heart failure. $3,000 in the puppy hospital and $200 a month in medicine, and now it is under control.

The doctor said she has 6 moths to a year to live. To which I replied, "she is twelve and a half; she only has that long to live anyway."

Dogs come into your life; they take your freedom because you have to adjust to their schedules, they chew up your stuff, the have accidents on the floor, they get their fur everywhere, yet you love them, you love them, you love them.

I wish you and your best friend the best, my friend.


Call Me a Cab
Dallas/Fort Worth (TEXAS)
Look at that face! She's adorable and it pains me to think she might be suffering. The hardest part is they can't voice what hurts and you don't know if it could be any worse damage. Dogs (and cats) are so dependent on us. My mom's dog (the one in the profile pic) was throwing up all weekend. Monday morning my mom took her to the vet and while my mom was getting ready, she was sitting on mom's feet not allowing my out of her sight. I really feel for your dog and hope she's feeling better soon.


Head Bartender
Staff member
Small Town Ohio, USA
Having three dogs we're certainly dog people and it's hard to imagine such a horrible thing.

Your anger and frustration are entirely justified.

K.D. Lightner

Call Me a Cab
Des Moines, IA
I am so sorry about your dog. Hope Duke will be all right. I know and empathize about expenses, my chihuahua just about busted me when he was sick, and I still lost him.

If you are moving to San Diego (I lived there until last fall), at least know that I was told it was illegal in California to leave a dog that you have injured by car, just as it would a human hit and run. It is not illegal to leave a cat, for some reason, but it is a dog.

You might have some legal case, especially if the dog was on a leash. With all the Animal Planet police stories I see, I would think you could get the driver on animal abuse. What would the SPCA in your state say? Perhaps that state does not protect animals at all from careless or cruel humans. That will change when you are in Southern California.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Duke, a precious looking dog.



One Too Many
Central Illinois

Sorry to hear about this...having dogs of my own, I can't imagine a worse scenario than the one you've described. I'll keep Duke in my thoughts and hope that the next update brings happier news.


Call Me a Cab
Doc, so sorry about the news. She's so adorable. Your presence with her is actually the best thing....seriously, I've known a few people whose dogs got in some pretty nasty scrapes but each time the vet told them to visit and comfort them as much as possible...sure enough. they pulled through beautifully.


Hardlucksville, NY
Doc, that is horrible news! There is nothing worse than cruely and ignorance.
What really irks me is the attacker and police are giving you the brush off. Sue the person as hard as you can! Personal irresponsiblilty is so rampant it's depressing.
If someone ran over my dog and kept going, they had better pray to God I don't find out who they are. I'd make things ugly real quick..


One of the Regulars
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Oh no! I'll keep your beautiful dog in my prayers! Its unfortunate that some people dont realize that our pets are like family members, and that an injury or death of pet can hurt us just as much as it does if the same were to happen to any person that was close to us. I grew up in a VERY pet friendly family with 6 dogs, 4 cats, 3 horses and even sheep... and every single one of those animals was (and still is!) like a family member. Our springer spaniel Buster died last year at the ripe old age of 17, and every single one of us cried our eyes out- my dad included. We burried him on a sunny hill on our property, and actually had a grave marker made for him! It has his name on it, and we keep a wreath of flowers on it.
I understand the grief you are experiencing with Duke being hurt. With many of the FL members praying for him and you, I'm sure he will make a swift recovery.

Luckily, some places are starting to implement laws which provide for some sort of increased protection of pets from situations such as this. Hopefully you can work out some sort of resolution and the person who did this will have some consequence.

Good luck, I'll keep you in mind.



One of the Regulars
Birmingham, England
My Sincere Sympathies


As a dog owner and animal lover, I sympathise ENTIRELY with you in your present situation, We have a house full of pets -
A German Shepherd bitch ( Kara ) who I would kill for - a 'lil Jack Russell terrier bitch ( Sweep ) amd my daughters cat ( Benz ) so named 'cos he was found as a kitten under the hood of a Mercedes car and we took him in from an animal shelter. In Britain it is the law that if you hit a dog with a vehicle then you HAVE to report the matter to the police. We took out pet insurance for our German Shepherd which costs me around £25 per month (US$44 ) and boy am I glad I did so because she needed treatment which cost over £3000.00 last year !!!! which was paid for by the insurance co.

I hope Duke makes a full recovery and also that you manage to get some recompense from the person/s responsible. When I hear that oft quoted line "its only a dog" I feel like punching the speaker in the mouth !!!!

My thoughts are with you


Burma Shave

One of the Regulars
Columbia SC
I agree with JamesPowers' comment:

"In my opinion, this person is an idiot who needs straightening out. If it were me, I would take her to court and sue for vet bills. Even if the dope doesn't have a cent I would attach any wages due to her. If she is a welfare case, then you might as well forget it because federal government compensation cannot be attached. There is that car though. It might save some other dog or person for that matter if she didn't have it."

I'm not normally a lawsuit-happy person, but my beagle was killed several years ago by a neighborhood rottweiler who had been terrorizing area animals (including killing chickens, fighting other dogs, etc.) for over a year. I wish I had taken the owner to court. I confronted him and he just laughed it off.

Seriously, I know you're having a tough time now, but anybody who would treat a dog like that needs to be taught better.

Benny Holiday

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sydney Australia
Doc, I hope our best wishes and prayers bring you some comfort at this terrible time. Those who don't share their lives with a dog (or dogs) don't know how special they are and how they touch our lives. They miss out on so much. Duke may be down, but he's still ahead of the game: he's got you.
Please keep us informed about his progress. We're thinking of you both.


Practically Family
Port Chicago, Calif.

I am so, so sorry to read this and wish quick and painless healing for Duke and strength and comfort for you in this trying time. It's so awful to see a defenseless pet, a de facto member of your family, suffering due to (entirely preventable) human carelessness and stupidity.


Hardlucksville, NY
Burma Shave said:
I'm not normally a lawsuit-happy person, but my beagle was killed several years ago by a neighborhood rottweiler who had been terrorizing area animals (including killing chickens, fighting other dogs, etc.) for over a year. I wish I had taken the owner to court. I confronted him and he just laughed it off.
I had a beagle and loved her. If a rottweiler (or other animal) had done that to my dog, I would have killed it. 'Nuff said.


I'll Lock Up
The Beautiful Diablo Valley
I have been there too


We had a bad scare also....involving a PIT BULL and our beautiful Golden Retriever Riley! My wife was out walking Riley on the canal trail, the "bike path" which is near our house. I had just finished chatting with my wife and not 10 minutes later, she calls me back! Tears, and broken speach, and all I can tell is something about "cars" ..and "Riley"...and "help". My heart sank! Our 12 month old pup, a champion dog, was "dead" from being hit by a car. But no, that was not the case! Sue and Riley were "attacked" on the trail by a black PITT BULL, that tried to rip Riley...Sue ran for her life, placing herself between the attacking dog, and Riley. She called me for help. Well, being 6 miles away, I had no choice..red lights and siren! Notification to Animal Control about a vicious dog attack in progress....and I located my wife and dog on the trail. Poor Riley had a horrible odor of "fish"..which we later found out from the vet was the adrenal glands..
Well, Animal Control showed up, and with checking with a passing mail carrier, (Oh, you mean that devil dog?)..they know....we found the Pitt Bull in the parking lot of the corner day care!!!! Well, I had my gun, and the AC had a pole with a rope. The dog was FOAMING at the mouth!! After stopping cars..the mean Pit Bull was caged...and taken to the shelter.

Riley, he was not injured, but I wonder about his experience. So far he seems normal...but you cannot tell. Even today, there is an ad in the local paper about a Golden for adoption, cautioning that he has to be the only pet in the house due to being attacked as a pup.

I hope your loved and cherished companion is safe, and makes a full recovery.

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