This could be a gateway rose scent for me. I have never been a great fan of the smell of roses--in the garden, in perfume--and I hate the taste of rosewater in cooking. That said, this winey, fruity, herbal leather scent is so well blended that I do not focus solely on the rose but more on the...
Yes, he was a real character--his estate is now a park and his house was the one used in Fantasy Island:
Their peacocks (and peahens) drift into our neighborhood all the time and they are a mess. Beautiful, but a mess!
Beautiful pieces, Jon! I also have a deco mantel clock, with two flanking vases, by a French sculptor called Thomas François Cartier (no relation to the jeweler). It is on a 70's deco revival bookcase. The items were meant to go on a mantel but are under my TV.....
My very favorite Are Deco...
Here are a few Art Deco watches and a travel clock which is effectively a pocket watch with a swivel stand.
None are particularly valuable--the silver Vertex is worth a bit--but I love the deco numerals.
Lovely watches! I have several (dozen) the oldest being the verge fusee movement type, all the way to current. I rarely wear them but I do alternate watches to hang in this silver cobra watch stand where I can see them:
It is French, silvered bronze set on a marble base. Currently up for...
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