With an uptick in new members who are here either to just sell things or to relieve other members of their cash without supplying the goods, we will remove any classified post by anyone who hasn't taken the time to get to know the forum and all it offers. You'll need 20 posts at a minimum to...
Wow, that's a lot of typing. Especially for a first post. If your favorite jacket supplier would like to talk about becoming an affiliate, please let us know.
AeorLover is the original and proper holder of the account. Please stop reporting content posted by them. Posts were removed by mods after getting things corrected. There is no conspiracy afoot.
All of my 78s are in storage at the moment and I'm anxious to haul them out and listen to more of her work. My wife whose superpower is that she knows every piece of music ever written, knew of her before I did. "Oh, she does that "that's all!" thing Yes."
The classified forum is for members to list their for sale items or desired purchases. As such, please respect other members efforts to do so. Here on out, we will vigorously delete comments calling out sellers or buyers for their pricing decisions, their descriptions, or anything else which is...
Again, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. We're seeing too much of this unnecessary whining about seller's price points. Just let it go and let people live their lives.
We're having a number of people who are joining, getting past our spammer filters and then contacting members about jackets or other items offered for sale elsewhere. "Hey, mate, if you still want that XXX Jacket in size 38, email my friend at Obvious_Scam@Dirtbag.com" is pretty typical. We toss...
There doesn't appear to be a "keeper" on the back of the wide end. Lining is minimal, label works. I'd say yes, they're later 40s early 50s. Nice ties!
I have to say I have loved my shirts from Natty. A perfect fit and just as I wanted them made. I don't think there's a better value to be had anywhere!
I've always hated talking on the phone, even before cell phones were a thing. This has become a stronger aversion as I've gotten older. Texting is the way to go. Professionally, I have no choice but to speak to people via phone, but I still hate it. If I could, I would change my voicemail...
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