I offehed t'help'eh wit' t' cookin', y'know, f' t' Sedeh, but I guess, y'know, me bein' Irish an' awl, I guess t'at wouldn' be kosheh.
I never thought about this before: I know kosher is the food (type and the way it's prepared) and Jewish is the religion/culture, but for food to be kosher...
... haaanset bookmakarrrs ...
Said without an ounce of irony. Just perfect.
"Warrr goin' t' have a laaaht t' explain t'Michael when 'ee gets home," she notes. "Aboot aaahl this. And th' boy." "You leave Mickey to me,"...
The Chapman Report from 1962 with Shelly Winters, Glynis Johns, Claire Bloom, Jane Fonda, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Harold J. Stone, and Ty Harding
Against all odds, The Chapman Report manages to make the sexual habits, affairs, and wanton behavior of a few affluent suburban Los Angeles women...
"I ain' gonna do t'at. An' ya know why? 'Cause I'm SANE." "Y'awr?" questions Alice.
"Sally an' that fool Alice Dooley sendin'im anaaanymoos telegrams but usin' THIS STORE farr th'address."
Sometimes I forget all the...
"A radio tube!" he announces. "Somebody musta BURIED it 'eeh! Maybe SPIES!" "Yeh," eyerolls Alice, looking up at the second-floor window of the Petrauskas kitchen. "T'at mus' be it..."
I'm sensing a Venn diagram overlap...
Rome, Open City an Italian film from 1945
"It's not hard to die well; the hard thing is to live well"
Director and co-writer Roberto Rossellini made his neorealist war drama about the Italian resistance to the German occupation of Rome in 1944 just after the war, giving the movie an...
"Mary Worth -- Confidential Investigator!"
Lyric Layne is such a good comicstrip name.
"Impersonating a major," sighs Inky. "How reprehensible."
The moral code of our criminals in this story is fascinating, mainly because...
They're made for each other. Look, they even have the same hairline.
Ella Raines is hoping she doesn't have to turn to the comicstrips for employment, but reading the paper this morning, she makes a mental note of a potential role if necessary...
Silver Dollar from 1932 with Edward G. Robinson, Aline MacMahon and Bebe Daniels
Nobody becomes massively successful without at least some luck and some ability; to fairly assess a massively successful man or woman, the interesting question is how much of each did it take?
In Silver Dollar...
"Ain'nat Flynn guy," queries Alice, gesturing at the paper in her lap, "t'one haddat, wha'wassit, French cobblestone sidewawk a'sump'n?" "Belgian brick driveway," replies Sally
8000 stone blocks used to pave an antique Belgian Courtyard...
The Grand Illusion, a French film from 1937
Class distinctions are eternal, or they are a grand illusion. War will lead to lasting peace, which itself is a grand illusion. Choose your metaphor – or choose both – or maybe even another one for The Grand Illusion – a classic 1937 French film...
Radio advice-giver John J. Anthony was actually Lester Kroll, a Bronx con man, who came up with the idea for his program while cooling his heels in alimony jail...
"Ah," ahs Mr. Rickey. "Ah," nods Mr. Parrott...
Goodbye, Mr. Chips from 1939 with Robert Donat and Greer Garson
Some of the best movies transport you to another time and place and, then, make you feel welcome there. Goodbye, Mr. Chips transports you to an English “public” school in the early 1900s, letting you experience what it was like to...
Goodbye, Mr. Chips by James Hilton, first published in 1934
Given the sweep of the 1939 film adaptation, readers might be surprised to learn that Goodbye, Mr. Chips is actually a novella – short but richly felt, much like a poignant character study in prose form.
Don't be fooled by its size...
Powdaaaared eggs.
"You dissemble poorly."
This is just mean.
Agreed. Not funny at all...
"...Plenty'a room farr two hoondred poonds'a eggs. We'll carrrner th' market."
If they can just hold on to them until 2025, Leonora's grandkids will make a killing.
"That Philip Morris boy. How that image vexed me." "Oh...
Cushy job, huh Harry? Enjoy!
If Ma will take the action, I'll put as much as she's willing to cover on the under of 5'10" for Truman's height.
"Mail order Hollywood nifties."
Almost has a Page Four vibe.
And this:
"Pool oop ye saaacks, ye laaardship," snickers Ma. "Oi don't knoo aboot no cattle, boot thoose are moity soooory-lookin' calves."
Good one, Ma.
...Oh -- wait. It's at Loew's Met." "I DIDN' GET BANNED FROM T"EH!" roars...
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