With an uptick in new members who are here either to just sell things or to relieve other members of their cash without supplying the goods, we will remove any classified post by anyone who hasn't taken the time to get to know the forum and all it offers. You'll need 20 posts at a minimum to...
The classified forum is for members to list their for sale items or desired purchases. As such, please respect other members efforts to do so. Here on out, we will vigorously delete comments calling out sellers or buyers for their pricing decisions, their descriptions, or anything else which is...
I've always hated talking on the phone, even before cell phones were a thing. This has become a stronger aversion as I've gotten older. Texting is the way to go. Professionally, I have no choice but to speak to people via phone, but I still hate it. If I could, I would change my voicemail...
Fedora Lounge members who have been here from early days will mourn the passing of Dan Hermann, once a very active poster here and with a broad knowledge of all the things we love here.
On a long-anticipated vcation to London last week, Dan became unwell and was suffering from dehydration. His...
In going though my mother's cedar chest recently, I found that she had saved dozens of pairs of white leather children's shoes from the late 40s through the early 60s. They were all quite worn and hard as rocks.
There were also dresses worn by my sister in around 1949, a sailor suit my brother...
We do our best to filter out the baddies before they get here, and we approve members one at a time manually every day to accomplish that. But lately we've had a few brand new members who appeared legit at signup looking for members who express an interest in buying something, then contact them...
I’ve been trying to find a copy of this 78. Brunswick 6068, Red Nichols “Things I Never Knew Till Now.” In posting to groups in my search, someone notices that one of the credited writers is “Winchell,” and sure enough, it’s Walter Winchell. Apparently he did a little tune writing early on...
We watched this Saturday night, and it has much to recommend it. Of course, Viola Davis brings a fearless performance as the Mother of the Blues, Ma Rainey. Branford Marsalis is responsible for the music. Its the last performance by Chadwick Boseman, who died of cancer after filing was...
"Expecting Amy," a docu-series following Amy Schumer's terribly difficult pregnancy, has a scene near the end where she and her husband are staying at a rented house near an active stream with plenty of rapids. He puts a new leather jacket into a cage and throws it into the water while they're...
I have loved the music of the 20s & 30s since I was a teen, but I just ran across this singer, Annette Hanshaw, in a random social media post about her.
Born in 1901, her parents owned a music store, where she sang the new sheet music numbers. She wanted to be a painter and studied art for two...
My Missus and I have been looking forward to this one, because we're big fans of Ryan Murphy when he's good, and we figured the restraint of eight episodes would keep him from the wild time-wasting plot diversions of American Horror Story. Also, Sarah Paulson could be my wife's twin sister...
I know nothing of this publication, but I think it's a pretty good list. Note their parameters: Not the most influential, but the best.
Keaton gets a lot of the list. Two of my favorites are here, The Passion of Joan of Arc and Flesh and the Devil...
We are very pleased to add Peacoat to the Bartender staff. He has contributed immeasurably to The Fedora Lounge, and is author of the internet's comprehensive history of the US Navy Peacoat.
Welcome, and thank you for being part of the team!
Trailers are out for this, which has a dismal IMDB meta score of 42. The story of the beginnings of the electrification of the world. Benedict Cumberbatch as Edison, Nicholas Hoult is Tesla, and Michael Shannon plays George Westinghouse.
Laura Hillenbrand explores the things that made the men and women of the Greatest Generation what they eventually became.
I haven't read the book, and this series seems to have driven the book price up. But the Hulu series, directed by George Clooney, is very well done. The senselessness of war bureaucracy and red tape. the power grabs, its mazing to watch. Filled with great performances.
So the final silver...
This was issued or given to my father sometime during the war by a Rev. George Smith. It was prepared by The Committee on Wartime Service of the Church, Dayton, Ohio, by the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.
Copyright 1943.
My father, when I knew him, was not a formally religious man...
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