I had three Premier HWM all in all, and this was my best fitting one.
It’s the super high armholes that make layering an issue here. Shoulders are super narrow too. As a general rule one size up from the normal range (i.e. two sizes up from a standard HWM) works ok for me.
It’s realy about the look you want to achieve.
Heavy CXL FQHH is pretty much the quintessential Aero hide. It has a deep shine, has a heft like hardly any other leather and looks very worthy. On the downside it’s stiff, absolutely non-breathable and patinas very quickly.
For me, Badalassi is...
Grass is always greener on the other side, I guess.
It’s normal human behaviour, I guess. We all tend to idolise something for whatever reason.
For boys of my generation, all things American were just the bee’s knees. The landscapes, the skylines, the movies, the gadgets.
Thanks for the clarification. I am with you. Unless you specify what you mean by “quality” (stitch count, even stitching, French seams, skivving?), there is no objective “better”.
The leather used by both Aero and Vanson as a default are much thicker than the “normal” horsehide of many Japanese...
I am with you that an RMC or RC jacket does not look “better” than an Aero or Vanson, but that you “fail to see much difference“ is a bit rich.
There are hardly any makers that are visually more distinct than Aero/Vanson on the one hand and RMC and their sisters on the other.
Thanks, Bartenders.
Let´s not over-"What if" this idea. It´s a pretty low threshhold to keep a minimum check on the Classifieds.
Let´s all work on keeping TFL a place that´s different from all the Social-Media absurdities out there.
It was the Radiomir SLC. Such a cool, reduced design, going perfectly with the stingray strap in brown-gray.
Stupidly, I sold it as it was a 47mm case and I figured it was just a bit too chunky. Miss it sometimes.
That is both flattering and worrysome. I never realised the original location would be transmitted when you safe a photo elsewhere. We are all made of glass in this Data-driven-world...
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