A policy I have now adapted, Except, not even from a middle man. Live and learn. Picked up a pair of new Wesco collab brown rough out engineers. No wait time. These will last the rest of my life. I'll be doing a burn test and cutting these open. You tube.
Having just bought boots from Crush on Retro, I can tell you, you're definitely gambling. I lost. Also, the same products are available on AliExpess and TaoBao for like half the price.
It’s not the last at all. You’d have to see them in person, try them on, etc. They are extremely cheap materials. Looks decent in a photo though. Try em out, maybe it’ll be better for you.
Have you considered resellers? One brand I love that no longer exists is Natal. U.S East Coast company. Heaviest leather jacket I’ve ever owned. 6lbs was just right. Mines lasted 30 years and thousands of miles on two wheels. They’re ver affordable when you come across them and will last forever.
The last would be great. You’d have to try them on, but hey, I’m just the guy looking at them and trying them on and having to deal with a PayPal dispute while hoping I didn’t inadvertently support a Chinese sweat shop. Try them out, hopefully you’ll get a good pair or if you already did, congrats.
Yeah, like I said above, I wasn’t expecting anything more than a $300 pair of boots but I was expecting to be able to wear them. Appearance wise in person they look like rain boots. My girlfriend even asked if I got a new pair of rain boots. Lol. You’d really have to see them and try them on in...
My expectations were actually realistic. I was expecting a 300 dollar pair but hoping for a 500 dollar pair just like all of us that order knock offs. I'm familiar with they're return policy....kinda figured defective boots would be covered. Here they are next to my old Carolinas. I only wore...
I guess you'd have to see them in person.
Unfortunately the boots were made so poorly I can barely fit them with normal socks. The split is normal, the quality of the meet point is poor. The stitching wasn't horrible just goes to quality. The uppers are horrible. Pleather like. The buckles are...
I’m familiar with sizing and actually wanted to get a 42. I’m a brannock 9 and in Nike. They recommended a 41. Even if they are sized incorrectly they are still horrible quality. Attached a screenshot of the messages. The 32 is 32 days. Pictures added above as well.
Crush on Retro Engineer Boots. Messaged with Bryce a bunch about sizing. Delivered 32 days after ordered. Not bad. The box seemed too light to contain boots. Upon opening the box, the stench of glue was overwhelming. The boots were packed well. Seeing them after unwrapping was disappointing. My...
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